السلام عليكم..
حبيت اطلب مساعدتكم ..
أبغى تحليل أدبي للقصص هذي ..
يعني من :
point of view
وزي كذا يعني كل الإلمنت ..
1_ Beauty and the Beast
2_Snow white
وأيضا الإستخراج من :
1- the sick rose -W. Blake
2_ Sonnet 116- W.shakespeare
3_ On My First Sonne-B.Jonson
أتمنى أحد يساعدني ..
وشكرا مقدما ..
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

للاسف الصورره ماطلعت
بحاول انزلها ثاني
Snow White
Snow White is a character from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (originally "Schneewittchen" or "Schneeweissen"), one of the folk tales collected and published by The Brothers Grimm in the early 19th century. In the story she is a king's daughter, a seven year-old whose natural beauty drives her jealous step-mother to attempted murder. The vain queen learns from a magic mirror that little Snow White outranks her as the "fairest in the land." The queen orders her huntsman to kill Snow White in the woods and return with the girl's liver and lungs (in later versions, her heart). Snow White escapes and finds refuge in the home of a group of dwarf miners. While the dwarfs are away at the mines, Snow White is visited by the evil queen in disguise. The queen tries to kill Snow White in three attempts, finally succeeding with a poisoned apple. But Snow White isn't quite dead and the dwarfs stick her in a glass coffin and hold a constant vigil...for years, apparently: when she is resurrected by a handsome prince she is old enough to marry him. At their wedding the evil queen is punished by being forced to dance to death in hot iron slippers. The most popular re-telling of this German folk tale is the Walt Disney animated version, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), in which Snow White is a young woman and the dwarfs have names: Doc, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy and Sneezy.
بحاول انزلها ثاني
Snow White
Snow White is a character from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (originally "Schneewittchen" or "Schneeweissen"), one of the folk tales collected and published by The Brothers Grimm in the early 19th century. In the story she is a king's daughter, a seven year-old whose natural beauty drives her jealous step-mother to attempted murder. The vain queen learns from a magic mirror that little Snow White outranks her as the "fairest in the land." The queen orders her huntsman to kill Snow White in the woods and return with the girl's liver and lungs (in later versions, her heart). Snow White escapes and finds refuge in the home of a group of dwarf miners. While the dwarfs are away at the mines, Snow White is visited by the evil queen in disguise. The queen tries to kill Snow White in three attempts, finally succeeding with a poisoned apple. But Snow White isn't quite dead and the dwarfs stick her in a glass coffin and hold a constant vigil...for years, apparently: when she is resurrected by a handsome prince she is old enough to marry him. At their wedding the evil queen is punished by being forced to dance to death in hot iron slippers. The most popular re-telling of this German folk tale is the Walt Disney animated version, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), in which Snow White is a young woman and the dwarfs have names: Doc, Sleepy, Bashful, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy and Sneezy.

مشكورة حبيبتي وماقصرتي ..
بصراحة توقعت محد يرد ..
بس دامك شاطرة كذا وانجليزي بعد الله يعينك علي .. بتعبك..
أنتي طالبة وإلا ؟
بصراحة توقعت محد يرد ..
بس دامك شاطرة كذا وانجليزي بعد الله يعينك علي .. بتعبك..
أنتي طالبة وإلا ؟

ماشاء الله ..
بس سهله القصص حقتكم !
ممكن اعرف انتم معهد ولا جامعه ..؟ ولا ايش ؟
اي خدمه تحت امرك
بس سهله القصص حقتكم !
ممكن اعرف انتم معهد ولا جامعه ..؟ ولا ايش ؟
اي خدمه تحت امرك
الصفحة الأخيرة
على فكرره اول ووحده اقتبسوا منها دزني دائما تجي على ام بي سي 3
وهذي صوره البطله يمكن تعرفيها
الجميله والوحش
Beauty and the Beast
The BEAUTY: Her name is Belle and her age 17. Long, brown and somewhat curly hair. She loves to read and needs something more exiciting than her provincial life.
The BEAST: He was cursed by an enchantress to wear the form of a beast until he could learn to love someone and earn their love in return. Age: 21, blue eyes, brown hair.
Gaston: He's the bad guy: arrogant, self centered, cunning, persuasive. His obsession is Belle. 21 years old, black hair.
Lumiere: The french buttler. Light-hearted, romantic, smooth talking, charming. Age 22, dusty brown hair, blue eyes. He likes Babette.
Cogsworth: Head of Ruskin's servants. An English man who loves perfection.. Very well combed brown hair. Age 42.
Le Fou: Gaston's follower
Babette: Ruskin's maid
Potts: The housekeeper
Plot summary
A rich merchant lived in a city with his three daughters, of whom the youngest is named Belle (French for "Beautiful") for being lovely and pure of heart. The merchant eventually loses all of his wealth, and he and his daughters must therefore live in the rural areas outside of the city. After some years of this, he hears that one of the trade ships sent by himself had arrived in port, having escaped the destruction of its compatriots; therefore he returns to the city to discover whether it contains anything of monetary value. Before leaving, he asks his daughters whether they desire that he bring them any gift upon his return. His two oldest daughters ask for jewelry and dresses, thinking that his wealth has returned; Belle is satisfied with the promise of a rose, as none grow in their part of the country. The merchant finds that his ship's cargo has been seized to pay his debts, leaving him without money by which to buy his daughters their presents.
During his return, he becomes lost in a forest. Seeking shelter, he enters a castle. He finds inside tables laden with food and drink, which have apparently been left for him by the castle's owner. The merchant accepts this gift and is about to leave when he sees a rose garden and recalls that Belle had desired a rose. Upon picking the most lovely rose he finds, the merchant is confronted by a hideous 'Beast' (real name Bradley according to the original book), which tells him that for taking his (the Beast's) most precious possession after accepting his hospitality, the merchant must stay his prisoner forever. The merchant begs to be set free, arguing that he had only picked the rose as a gift for his youngest daughter. The Beast agrees to let him go only if the merchant will send his daughter to live in the castle in his place.
The merchant is upset, but accepts this condition. He tries, upon arriving home, to hide the secret from Belle; but she pries it from him and willingly goes to the Beast's castle. The Beast receives her graciously and treats her as his guest. He gives her lavish clothing and food and carries on lengthy conversations with her. Each night, the Beast asks Belle to marry him, only to be refused each time. After each refusal, Belle dreams of a handsome prince who pleads with her to answer why she keeps refusing him. Belle does not make the connection between the handsome prince and the Beast and becomes convinced that the Beast is holding the prince captive somewhere in the castle. She searches for him and discovers multiple enchanted rooms, but of course, never the prince from her dreams.
Eventually, Belle becomes homesick and begs the Beast to allow her to go to see her family. He allows it, if she will return exactly a week later. Belle agrees to this and sets off for home with an enchanted mirror and ring. The mirror allows her to see what is going on back at the castle, and the ring allows her to return to the castle in an instant when turned three times around her finger. Her older sisters are surprised to find her well fed and dressed in finery. They grow jealous and, hearing that she must return to the Beast on a certain day, beg her to stay another day, even putting onion in their eyes to make it appear as though they are weeping. Belle's heart is moved and she agrees to stay.
Belle begins to feel guilty about breaking her promise to the Beast and uses the mirror to see him back at the castle. She is horrified to discover that the Beast is lying half-dead of heartbreak near the rose bushes her father had stolen from and she immediately uses the ring to return to Beast.
By the time Belle finds Beast he is already dead, and she weeps over him, saying that she loves him. When her tears strike him, the Beast comes back to life and is transformed into a handsome prince. The Prince informs Belle that long ago a fairy turned him into a hideous beast after he refused to let her in from the rain, and that only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could he break the curse
Beauty and the Beast has been the subject of many novels, most notably in Beauty by Robin McKinley, the Newbery Award-winning author. McKinley's second voyage into the tale of Beauty and the Beast resulted in Rose Daughter.
Tanith Lee's collection Red As Blood, or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer included a science-fiction retelling, in which a wealthy merchant's daughter living in the far future falls in love with an alien.
Donna Jo Napoli wrote a YA novel, Beast, centered around the Beast's point-of-view and his life before he met Beauty. Besides the additional back-story, this version stays close to the original.
Nancy Holder wrote an entry in the Once Upon a Time series called Spirited, which is a loose retelling of the story with a young Englishwoman named Isabella Stevenson who falls in love with her captor, Wusamequin, a brooding Mohican medicine man during the French and Indian War.
Beauty and the Beast are characters in the Fables comic book. They are resident in the New York City branch of Fabletown, and are rather poor at the beginning of the series. Beast's continued human appearance is contingent on the happiness of their marriage; when they quarrel, he begins to revert to his monstrous form. After the election of Prince Charming as mayor of Fabletown, they are promoted to, respectively, assistant to the mayor and sheriff, replacing Snow White and Bigby Wolf (Big Bad Wolf).
The story was adapted by Mercedes Lackey into her Elemental Masters novel The Fire Rose, setting the story in early 20th-century San Francisco.
Shigeru Miyamoto cited the story as an inspiration for the Nintendo game Donkey Kong.
In 1967, a made-for television movie called Ugly and the Model was made. It was a parody of the tale and is very loosely based on it.
The Beast and later Beauty make a small appearance in the webcomic No Rest for the Wicked.
Megan Hussey's "Behold the Beauty," featured in Midnight Showcase's "Deities of Desire" erotic digest, is a feminist spin on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale. Hero Prince Beausoleil is a classically handsome young man who falls desperately in love with the healer Agnatha, who is an unconventional, often ridiculed woman who lives in the woods of Ravenshead, a mythical European province where the prince's family rules and where many younger, more conventionally attractive women vie for his affections.
Two separate adaptations of the tale appear in Angela Carter's short story collection The Bloody Chamber, which reinterprets several different fairy tales.
Fantasy author Francesca Lia Block included a retelling of the story in her collection The Rose and the Beast, which features modern retellings and alternate endings for nine classic fairy tales including The Snow Queen and Snow White. In her version, called "Beast", Beauty comes to prefer the Beast as a monster and is saddened when he is transformed.
The story also served as a plot for the 10th issue of Serena Valentino's comic book Nightmares & Fairy Tales. In this version, Belle is a lesbian and her lover, Rose, is taken away from her and transformed into the Beast. If Belle can discover who the Beast truly is, the curse will be broken.