أبغي موضوع عن الام بالانقلش

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم طبعا واضح من العنوان وش ابي سااااااااااعدوني تكفوووووووووووون
وياليت يكووووووون شوي طويل وسهل تكفووووووووووووون

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

قلب مو جروح
قلب مو جروح
وفاء سدير
وفاء سدير
It's my graduation day. I can never believe that I came so far. I look at my mother and see how proud she is of me now. My heart is filled with emotions i can never explain. Mom, what a simple word, yet growing up with her was never easy. My mother gave up her hopes and dreams for the sake of mine, that is why failure was not an option with her. At school, she was highly loved and admired by teachers as well as pupils. She was a very talented student, and she wrote wonderful poetry. She could have achieved so much. She always wanted to be an astronaut, discovering the mysteries of universe. Then she grew up and wanted to be a lawyer, defending the innocent and punishing the guilty, but she never went that far. When she finished high school with flying colours, her gift was a 30 year old husband. She didn't scream or shout, she kept it inside and told her diary everything. Her diary was her best friend, she trusted her so much that she told her all her secrets, starting from the lonely nights she spent waiting for my father, till the day he came home with another woman telling her that she is to serve her as she serves him. She didn't shout or scream. She just looked at him and went to sleep in my bed room. I still feel her tears on my cheek as she held me tight to her weak body. I became her universe now, my smiles were her stars and my success was her galaxy. I gave her hard time but I never once suspected that she didn't love me.
Now as I am about to take my first step into adulthood, here she is, with tearful eyes and proud smile telling me that I did it. My mom, my friend, my universe. I can never trust any one as I trust her knowing that she will never judge me nor abandon me. I know that if I slip, she'll be there to hold me. I know that I can rely on her support and love no matter what my choices in life are. I don't know how she managed through life with all its miseries, but I know that at one time I was her strength as she is mine now. She is the one I look up to and wish that one day I will be just like her. A strong beautiful woman who took life's lemons and made me a wonderful tasty lemonade.

دعواتك لي بالتوفيق
أم فجر...
أم فجر...
My mother .. True word spoken in a strong all living beings in search of warmth and tenderness, and love the great mushroom of God upon the hearts of mothers towards their children, and we welcome atheist Mother's Day in the twenty-March each year, the spring breezes Tnashna Poor Alfoahp roses and perfume, but also remind us of the light in the darkness of our souls and our lives shine for a secure and quiet .. The mother ..
The executor the right, the Almighty bless the mother, and urged prayers of God and His Messenger, peace be upon Brha, and poets around the world compete and artists in bringing the meaning of motherhood and the depiction of mother love

أم فجر...
أم فجر...

A mother is the natural or social female parent of an offspring. In the case of a mammal such as a human, the mother gestates her child, which is called first an embryo, and then a fetus. This gestation occurs in the mother's womb from conception until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth. Once the child is born, the mother produces milk, a process called lactation, to feed the child.

Mothers typically fulfill the primary role in the raising of children. The title mother is often given to a woman other than biological parent, if it is she who fulfills this role. This is most commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother (the biologically unrelated wife of a child's father). Currently, with advances in reproductive technologies, the function of biological motherhood can be split between the genetic mother (who provides the ovum) and the gestational mother (who carries the pregnancy), and in theory neither might be the social mother (the one who brings up the child).

best luck