sweet jeje
sweet jeje
في انتظاركم

أنا مرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررة محتاجة للموضوع
sweet jeje
sweet jeje
sweet jeje
sweet jeje
لا إله إلا الله
*إسلامي حياتي*

Going shopping is something very important,
and almost necessary for some people,
I like shopping mall.I like different kinds of shop for example when I go accessories shop I like to buy necklace,earings,rings and bracelet.

I like going to resturant.When I go their I order appetizers like sopus and salad.After that for the main course I like to order pasta or rice and
the drink is orange juice. For the dessert I like chocolate cake

حبيت اساعدك اختي
ان شاء الله تكوني استفدتي
دعواتك لي في ظهر الغيب
sweet jeje
sweet jeje
Going shopping is something very important, and almost necessary for some people, I like shopping mall.I like different kinds of shop for example when I go accessories shop I like to buy necklace,earings,rings and bracelet. مطعم I like going to resturant.When I go their I order appetizers like sopus and salad.After that for the main course I like to order pasta or rice and the drink is orange juice. For the dessert I like chocolate cake حبيت اساعدك اختي ان شاء الله تكوني استفدتي دعواتك لي في ظهر الغيب .
Going shopping is something very important, and almost necessary for some people, I like shopping...
بس ممكن تزويدن أكثر لأن الأستاذة طلبت منا إنا نتكلم من ثلاث دقائق إلى خمس دقائق


وجزاك الله خير