أحتاج مواضيع عن الحج

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

أخواتي احتاج مواضيع عن الحج باللغه العنجليزيه :) ,,,,,,, في أسرع وقت لأني أبغاها ضرووووووووري ضروووري ,,

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

The Hajj
What They Don't Tell You

The Hajj has been described as "a struggle". We must help fellow Muslims to prepare themselves better for the Hajj by sharing our experiences.

Everyone -- the local authorities, the foreign governments and agencies, the tour operators and the pilgrims themselves -- must act decisively to achieve a Hajj free of defects, insha Allah.

Living the "meaning" of Hajj is as important as performing the rites of Hajj correctly. Click here.

I seek your forgiveness for the errors and your inputs to rectify them. Allah The Almighty knows best.

The Meaning of Hajj:
the Hajj of the Heart

1. The Hajj is an inward journey to the Ka'bah of the heart and soul.

2. The Hajj consists of the Hajj of the Body (walking, standing, collecting and throwing), the Hajj of the Mind (performing the rites with understanding) and the Hajj of the Heart (performed in total submission to The Almighty).

3. The Ka'bah is not the destination; it is the starting point of one's commitment to cast away one's bad ways and to begin afresh a new Allah-centred life.

4. In tawaf, the pilgrim is like a drop of water that has become part of the river that is flowing to its origin, the ocean of Eternity. This life is a journey of return to The Merciful.

5. Sa'ee makes one aware that the Allah-centred life must be filled with "effort" (meaning of sa'ee). It is effort anchored in complete submission to Allah The Merciful that will bring the right results, just as it did for a mother who ran several times from one end of the valley to another in search of water in the harsh desert environment.

6. When the pilgrim leaves the Ka'bah in the direction of Arafah to begin his Hajj, he is moving away from The House to meet The Lord of The House. Arafat is outside the boundary of The Holy Land (Haram), signifying that The Lord of The House is everywhere, and is closer to man than he is to his own jugular vein.

More excerpts from Hajj of the Heart by Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D.

1. The Hajj is not a journey of going; it is a journey of returning. The pilgrim is not going to Makkah. He is returning to his source, Allah The Source of Everything.

2. The Hajj is not a human stampede or a suitcase of gifts. It is a treasury of meanings. Pilgrims must go the Hajj with their minds and experience it in their hearts.

3. Ihram should not be confused with the Ihram attire that male pilgrims wear until the end of the Hajj.

4. The tragedy is not the Brutality of the Evil but the Silence of the Good, which allows the Evil to flourish. Every year, millions of pilgrims reaffirm their pledge to serve Allah The Almighty. Where are they? Hope they've not forgotten their Islamic duty to struggle against injustice and ignorance with their tongues, hands, hearts and resources
I hope this will help and if u need more just tell me :)
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مشكووره أختي ماقصرتي ..