بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أعزائي لقد وقعت أنا واحدى صديقاتي لعملية نصب دوليه وسوف أشرح لكم ذلك
أولا :- وصلت رسالة من السيد محمد سالم تفيد بأن البريد الالكتروني فاز بمبلغ 400 الف دولار
وهذا نص الرسالة
Desk of the Vice President Australia International Lottery Corporation.
Date: 10th September, 2010
Ref: 575061725
Batch: 8056490902/188
Lotto type : mega million
Winning number: 111326344448
Dear Winner,
This is to inform you that your Email Address have emerged winner of the AUSTRALIAN LOTTERY PROGRAM .You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of $400,000 USD ( FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS).
To file for your claim . Please quote your Date of draw,Reference Number, Batch Number and Winning Number, which can be found on the top-left corner of this message to your claims agent Mr. Alexander Maxwell immediately. He will direct you on how to receive your winning prize. Also, you should give in your telephone number to help locate your file easily. For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize has been released to you and also to the public. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participant or unofficial personnel.
Simply contact your claims agent with the contact details below;
Mr.Alexander Maxwell
Email: agentalexmaxwell@yahoo.com
Note: All winnings MUST be claimed before the 30th September of. 2010; otherwise all funds will be canceled.
Yours Faithfully,
Mohammed Salim Al-Ghassani
Online Coordinator for
Copyright 1999-2009 Australia lotto International . All right Reserved.
ثم جاءت رسالة أخرى
من الاكسندر ماكسويل مع مرفق لتكملت عملية النصب المرفق يوضح الايميل المطلوب والجائزة وهذا نص الرسالة
Congratulations Winner.
Thank you for your email. I have been instructed by the Australia Lottery Inc to direct you on how to claim your prize. Your email address was attached to a lucky ticket which has made you the winner of the 2009/2010 Australia Lottery Inc. Your are entitled to the total sum of US$400,000.00. ( Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) Feel free to fill the Application form. You have less than 10 days to fill the Application Form.
A copy of the Transfer Application Form for Lottery Winners has been attached to this email.
Follow the steps to carry on with your claim by filling the form properly.
1) Print out an ENLARGED copy of the application form.
2) Carefully read through it and Fill out Sections A&B
3) Scan the completed form and send it back to us as an attached file, through this same email address immediately.
I will print out the application form and send it to the bank for the transfer process to commence immediately.
If you don't have a scanner, I will advise you fill these information and send it to me immediately.
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name
Phone Numbers:
Date of Birth:
Email Address:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Number:
Swift Code: (If Any )
Mode of Transfer ( Bank to Bank Transfer )
This Application Form should be filled and returned to me urgently so that we can simply proceed with the transfer of your lottery prize.As soon as I receive this Transfer Application Form from you, I will submit it to our paying bank. This Application Form should be written in English ********.
In case of any difficulties with the procedure, feel very free to contact me again through my email or cell phone and I will be happy to direct you. I wish to congratulate you and your family on this lottery and advise you make good use of the prize as soon as you have received.
Note: If your don't have a Bank account, You are hereby advise to open a new bank account or you can provide the account information of any of your friends,relation or family whom are you are very close to and fill it in the application form.
Alexander Maxwell.
(Regional Claims Agent)
Australia International Lottery Inc
ثم جاءت رسالة من ماكس ويل بعد كتابة الاسم المرسل من قبلي
I have received your Application Form of transfer and I wish to inform you that it was completely filled. All the necessary information needed for the transfer of your prize was provided in the application form. I will print out the Application form and I will submit it to the Bank immediately.
The bank will contact you as soon as they have received your form.. The transfer of your prize will start as soon as they have received the application form from me. Just proceed with the Bank as soon as the contact you.
I will be available to direct you and advise you on how to claim your winning prize. If you need any information you can call me or send an email to me immediately. I have attached to this email the scan copy of your winners certificate showing that you are the winner of 2010 Australia Lottery Program. Print it out and keep it in a safe place it is for your ********ation.
Note: You are required to check your bulk/spam messages in your email. This is because sometimes the Bank message may fall into in box or bulk/spam.
Best Regards,
Alexander Maxwell
(Regional Claims Agent)
ثم بدأت الطلبات لن هذه الرسالة من مايسمى البنك المزعوم الرسالة تكتب بعد اضافة الاسم والعنوان الخاص بالشخص المقصود
Access Bank Plc
1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks, Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking.
The Access Bank Plc have received from the regional claims office of the Australia Lottery your application form that includes your personal information and bank details and also your winning ********s/files. Therefore we have commenced processing of the payment/transfer of your winning prize money deposited with our bank for a short tenure.
Be informed that the transfer will be based on the information provided in your Application form and all transfer procedures must go in accordance with the ethics and policy of our banking system for a faster and effective transfer.
Access Bank Plc has a standing tradition of recognizing and protecting the privacy of its customers. The Bank maintains strict privacy policies to reasonably safeguard customer information from unauthorized intrusions. Access Bank Plc focus primarily on the protection of customer information, which customers reasonably expect to be kept private. Customer information is information that when associated with a particular customer, identifies that customer. Hence the information which you have provided will only be used for the process of the transfer of your cash prize.
There is also need for confidentiality from your part until your transfer has been effectively carried out.
***INPUT MESSAGE TYPE: Customer Transfer
***ORDERING CUSTOMER: Australia Lottery Inc.
***AMOUNT WON: US$400,000.00
***CURRENCY CODE:US Dollars ($)
In your application form, we received the information below and we are presenting it to you for your re-confirmation. We advise you make corrections or modification if necessary because we shall process your transfer based on the below information which we have received in your application form.
ADDRESS: ***** ****** Mecca Promenades
MODE OF TRANSFER: ( Bank to Bank Transfer )
BANK NAME AND ADDRESS:Al Rajhi Bank/Mecca sixty Street
On re-confirming your personal information and bank details, you are required to provide us with a Scan copy of any one of these ********s,
1) International Passport
2)Driving License
3)Identity Card or National identity card.
Any one of these will enable us identify you properly for the next step of transfer to start immediately. You can be rest assured that we are observing bank transfer procedures for an effective and faster transfer as we are poised to serve you better.
Best Regards.
Dr. Sam Douglas
Director of International Remittance
Access Bank Of Nigeria Plc
1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks, Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking
Description: Finance: Commercial bank
ثم رسالة اخرى من البنك يطلب مبلغ 480 دولار من اجل تحويل المال وطبعا تم ارسال المال وهذا نصها

1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks,Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking.
Attn: ,
The validity of your identification has been confirmed from you and the verifications department of the bank has officially cleared the transfer of your prize. This is a very good news because we are approved the transfer of your prize which will be done after 24hours.Your bank detail has been fed into our bank's computer database as the original beneficiary of the cash prize under the Australia Lottery Inc. We have made all the necessary corrections in your new application form. You are therefore required to go through the final process. We have been assigned by the Australia Lottery to transfer the prize into your account. Be informed about this information.
Before the transfer can be made, the bank is obliged to clear your winnings with the IRS (Internal Revenue Services) in provision to the Money Laundering act. To do that, you are required to make the payment of $480 (Four Hundred and Eighty United States Dollars) to enable the bank get Notarization and Stamp duty, which is an official clearance on your winning and also to enable us ship the Hard Copy your Winner's Certificate and other promotional items via courier service.
The breakdown of the required fee is as follows: $170 is for Notarization, which is to be paid at the OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL HIGH COURT REGISTRAR and $150 at the BOARD OF INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSION for Stamp duty. $160 for the shipment of the Hard Copy your Winner's Certificate and other promotional items via courier service.
This will enable us effect the transfer of your cash prize through-Bank-Bank Telegraphic wire transfer, within 24hours after the confirmation of the payment of US$480 for Stamp Duty, Notarization and IRS (Internal Revenue Services).
For fastness and convenience, this fee should be sent through Western Union Money Transfer in the name of our (Account officer) Mr. Uche Michael. Below are the details you require from us to make the payment.
Receiver’s Name: Mr. Uche Michael
Receiver’s Address: Access Bank Plc.1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Receiver's ********: Nigeria
**** Question: Color?
Answer: Green
Expected Amount: US$480.
You are required to send to us a Scan Copy of the Western Union payment receipt for confirmation and ********ation.The payment slip will be issued to you by the Western Union after you have sent the sum of US$480.
If you do not have a scanner to scan the payment slip, you can as well provide the following information.
Sender's name..................
Sender's address...............
Secret **** question..........
Mtcn number...................
Note: The fee cannot be deducted from your cash prize. if it was possible to be deducted then we would have done so without demanding any amount from you. Your winning money was deposited as fixed deposit with our bank and such cannot be deducted before transfer.
Therefore be informed that we are following the due process and banking procedure for international remittance. Kindly provide our requirements to enable us get clearance and approval for the transfer of your cash prize.
Best Regards.
Dr. Sam Douglas
Director of International Remittance
Access Bank Of Nigeria Plc
1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks, Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking
Description: Finance: Commercial bank
Copyright (c) 2009 Access Bank PLC
ثم رسالة أخرى وطلب اخر ومبلغ أخر وتم الارسال ايضا
Dear ,
I am writing to inform you that I have returned from the Federal High Court of Nigeria and the NDLEA Clearance Office. I was not able to acquire the two stated ********s because it requires some fees. With this ********s, The Access Bank of Nigeria will transfer your prize to you.
1) To acquire the Affidavit of Claim it will cost the total sum $520 and I will get this ******** for you in the Federal High Court of Nigeria
2) To acquire the Government Approval Certificate, it will cost you about $710, But I will advise we leave it and acquire the Affidavit of Claim. Because the Access Bank said Affidavit of claim or Government Approval Certificate. So we have to choose Affidavit of Claim because its more cheaper than Government Approval Certificate.
3) To acquire the NDLEA Clearance Certificate, it will cost the sum of $430.
These ********s ( Affidavit of Claim + NDLEA Clearance Certificate ) will cost you the total sum of $950, which you will have to send through the Western Union Money Transfer as soon as possible so that I can go today and get the required ********s.
This payment should be sent to me Sarah Rossman with this information listed below,
Name of Receiver========Sarah Rossman
******** of Receiver======#33 Alaba Avenue, Lagos State,Nigeria.
**** Question========== How are you?
**** Answer=========== Fine
MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number)=======?
After making the payment through the Western Union Money Transfer, Ensure that you send to me the Western Union Money Transfer payment information. Or Scan a copy of the payment slip from the Western Union Money Transfer.
Sender's Name:
Sender's Address:
**** Question:
**** Answer:
I will receive this fee from the Western Union Money Transfer and I can go and get the required ********s.
I will have to get these ********s ready today or tomorrow so that the Bank can transfer your prize into your account the tomorrow. This will be the last ******** the Bank will request from you to transfer your prize to you. As soon as the receive it they will approve and transfer your prize into your account immediately.
I hope you understand how important these two ********s are needed for the transfer. The Bank will transfer your prize once they receive the ******** from you and you have to send this payment immediately. I have attached the specimen ********s but note that these ********s have not been signed and it not valid until you have made the payment. Kindly download this ******** and view it. It is for your perusal.
Get back to me with the Payment information from the Western Union Money Transfer after making the payment.
Sarah Rossman Esq
Senior Advocate of Nigeria
Federal High Court of Nigeria
ثم رسالة أخرى ومبلغ أخر لغاية ما تم ارسال 30 الف دولار وكل مره يكررون انه الاخير واخر رسالة كانت من بنك سويسرا الدولي كما يزعمون وهذه الرسالة
SCN 8513 8th October, 2010
We have received a letter from the Switzerland Monitoring Unit. They have informed us to provide the Vat fee of the amount that will be transferred into your account. You are required to provide the 1% of the total amount that would be transferred into your account on before Thursday or on Thursday .
This prize will be transferred into your account as soon as we have received 1% of the Vat. fee
All process will be completed after this Vat fee has been paid.
طبعا طالبين مبلغ 1 في المية من المبلغ الاجمالي وتم اهذا نص الرسالة لارسال واخيرا طلبوا مبلغ سفر شخص واقامته من اجل الافراج عن الجائزه طبعا السفر من نجيريا الى سويسرا

Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks, Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking.
Attention: Noor
This Bank is in receipt of your email. Be informed that Thursday is the final day of sending this amount to us through the Western Union Money Transfer. The Nigerian Embassy in ***** ****** is not responsible for the transfer. You are making a mistake.
Send this payment and your prize will be transfer after 6 hours. Please take not of this details its the payment details you need to send the required amount.
**** QUESTION......... COLOUR?
**** ANSWER...........GREEN.
Send this information to us as soon as you have made the payment through Western Union Money Transfer.
SENDER'S NAME..............
SENDER'S ********.............
**** QUESTION............
**** ANSWER...................
MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number)................
Congratulations !!!
Best Regards.
Dr. Sam Douglas
Director of International Remittance
Access Bank Of Nigeria Plc
1665 Oyin Jolayemi Street,Victoria Island.Lagos Nigeria.
Primary SIC: National Commercial Banks, Primary NAICS: Commercial Banking
Description: Finance: Commercial bank
طبعا كل رسائلهم بمرفقات تثبت ل حصولك على الجائزة
والمضحك في الامر انهم ارسلوا لي رسالة على بريدي الاخر اليوم من جديد ولذلك أحببت ان اوضح لكم