السلام عليكم ورحمة الله بركاته
أخواتي أعضاء عالم حواء
أبيكم وإن شالله ما تردوني تساعدوني في ترجمة أي من هذه النصوص لأنه والله علي 6 نصوص ولمدة قصيرة وراسي أحسه خلاص :eek:
فجزاكم الله خير أي عضو يدخل يختار أي نص على كيف ويترجمه لي
وأنا رح أكمل الباقي
الله يخليكم أوقفوا معاي
وإن اشلله يا رب يحقق لكم مرادكم
بس ساعدوني بليز
علي 6 نصوص أخلصهم في أسبوع
Mobile phone use in rural areas carries three times the cancer risk
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
People who use mobile phones regularly in rural areas are three times more likely than city dwellers to suffer from brain tumours, a study has found. Scientists believe that rural users of mobile phones receive relatively large doses of microwave radiation from their handsets to compensate for the fact that base stations in the countryside are further apart than in the city.
"It's another piece of evidence, but of course we have to wait for further studies. This is a further step indicating that there is probably a problem and people should use the precautionary principle to limit their use of mobile phones, especially for children," Professor Lennart said.
The scientists found no link between the probability of developing a tumour and the time spent on the phone, but they did find a link between the risk of brain cancer and place of residence - rural or urban.
Professor Hardell suggested the reason was that digital phones use a system called adaptive power control, which automatically boosts the power output of the handset signals when base stations are located farther away.
النص الثاني
The Basics
The newest identity thieves: parents
Credit fraudulently taken out in a child’s name is a growing problem that puts families in an emotional and financial vise. Here’s what to do about it.
By Liz Pulliam Weston
Angie got a shock when she checked her credit report last year. The Kansas State University student discovered one of the credit cards listed hadn’t been paid in more than two months -- and it wasn’t an account she recognized.
“I called my mother to talk to her about it and how I was worried I was a victim of identity fraud,” Angie said. “My mother confessed that she was the one that had used the card when she got in a bind.”
The mother had intercepted a preapproved credit card application intended for Angie, forged Angie’s signature and added herself as an authorized user. “She (got the card) thinking she would have it under control, but it went delinquent over Christmas time when money was short,” Angie explained.
النص الثالث:
Why Koran is such a hot button
A disputed report that US interrogators desecrated the Koran has sparked protest.
By Ben Arnoldy and Owais Tohid
In Afghanistan, the allegation that appeared in Newsweek magazine triggered several days of anti-American rioting that left 15 dead and scores injured. Protests were also held in Pakistan, Indonesia, and other Muslim countries.
The magazine has subsequently expressed regret over the report after the source, an unnamed senior US government official, expressed uncertainty over the sources of his own information. The Pentagon, which said the original story is "demonstrably false," pledged to investigate the charges and blamed Newsweek's "irresponsible" reporting for the violent clashes.
But while moderate Muslims welcomed the Newsweek follow-up in this week's issue, experts in Pakistan say that the more-extreme passions unleashed across the Muslim world are unlikely to be cooled by the doubts over the story, or by US government assurances that no desecration of the Koran would go unpunished.
هذه هي النصوص وهي سهلة بس يبغى لها ترتيب وبس أفكارها سهلة وأنا مو كسل مني ما سويتها بس والله لأني أقعد أكمل الباقي وأبغي الوقت يكفيني وتعرفون أسبوع ما يكفي لستة
يلا شدو الهمة معاي وساعدوني ولا تفشلوني

rose dubai @rose_dubai
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

اللف شكرررررررررررررررررررررررررر وجزاج الله كل خير حبيبتي
وإن شالله دوم بالماركز العالية يا رب
والله أثلجتي صدري بردج علي
مشكورة حبيبتي
وإن شالله دوم بالماركز العالية يا رب
والله أثلجتي صدري بردج علي
مشكورة حبيبتي
الصفحة الأخيرة
يانبض الوفا لقب محررة
تستاهلي كل خير يالغالية :)