
FعهودF @faahodf

عضوة نشيطة

أريد تصحيح دقيق لهذا الموضوع ..

اللغة الأنجليزية

الله يسعد قلوبكم ويحقق لكمأمانيكم ,,

ابغى تصحيح لهذا الموضوع تصحيح دقيق ..

Home Accident

Often faced with accidents in the home, especially in the presence of children.
That children at a young age are not able to protect themselves from accidents.
We must help them to make their world safer and the safety of the child.

Neglect a major cause of accidents in the home.
Any simple neglect by the father or the mother and children left without supervision is a danger to the children themselves and the people of the house.
That 85% of incidents children are home accidents involving children between the ages of birth and the fourth.

Lack of awareness and lack of experience in ways that mothers protect their children from the dangers of domestic and not following means of security to protect children.
Ignorance may lead to injury of their children seriously injured or permanently disabled, whether for children or the elderly.
Therefore, to clarify the rules of safety must be followed and provide people with some important guidelines that help the family to avoid accidents in the home.

Of the causes of accidents in the home rely on the servants.
Servants are not aware enough in domestic accidents.
Also have servants at their shoulders too much **** so they can not focus on things is always safety.
Must be taught how to behave properly servants during the accident to minimize the damage as much as possible.

Incidents of children from things that are endless at the end or a certain age.
Children in the early stages of trying to explore their surroundings during their development with the lack of awareness of risk.
For there must be rules to keep children safe from accidents in the home.

عاااااااااااارفة انو فيه اخطاء قد شعر راسي ,,:44:

أنا بس ابغى تصحيح للموضوع
الله يسسسسسسسعدكم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

زهرة حسام
زهرة حسام
شو يا عهود "تصليحي اللي في المنتدى الاخر ما عجبك"
برغم انه من الخطأ الاعتماد على الاخرين فهو لا يفيدك في تعلم اللغة ابداً
معظم جملك ناقصة فاعل ومعظمها الاخر ينقصة الفعل الاساسي برغم طول الجمل وكثرة الزيادات فيها
ولا تنسي انه اي مقال او براغراف لا يكتب بهذه الطريقة وله قواعد في الكتابة
ومعنى ان تمارسي اللغة هو ان تتعلمي ذاتياً وتتطلعي على اسس الكتابة الصحيحة وان
تبتعدي عن محاولة ترجمة الجمل من العربية الى الانجليزية كما هي فهذا يحد من قدرتك على اعطاء الافكر
ولا يفيدك ابداً
احببت ان انصحك من باب ما هو لمصلحتك..