
tanya @tanya

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أفضل مستحضرات العنايه في سن ال50

الملتقى العام

أفضل مستحضرات العنايه في سن ال50


1-للعنايه الصباحيه
_Repair wear day spy 15 intensive cream من كلينك
_Absolute Replenshing creme Spf 15 من لانكوم

للعنايه المسائيه
_Super Restorative Night Wearمن كلارنس
_ Capture r60/80 Intense Wrinkle Night Fluid من ديور

للعنايه المركزه
_supra Serum super restoration Serum من كلارنس
_Capture XR60/80 Extra - Vital Restoring Serum من ديور

في هذه المرحله من مراحل العمر تحتاجين ايضا الى الكريمات المبيضه أو مستحضرات تعالج بقع الشيخوخه:

من الكريمات المبيضه للبشره:
_Clarte Extreme Blanc من ايف سان لوران
_مجموعه Issima perfect White Ex من غيرلان

من المستحضرات المعالجه لبقع الشيخوخه
Serum Unificateur
Concentre Anti - Taches
كلاهما من شانيل

_مجموعهAbsolute Anti - Taches من لانكوم

مستحضرات متخصصه لمعالجة مطاطية الجلد وصقل الجسم من أجل شباب وجمال دائمين:
_Bikini Celluli - Diet من ديور لمحاربة السيلوليت
_Stretchmark Correctorمن لوريال كريم معالجة تشققات الجسم
_لBody Lift Contour Controlمن كلارنس لتنحيف وصقل الجسم
_Issima Body Secret Ice Lift Body Treatmentمن غيرلان لشد بشرة الجسم والشعور باالأنتعاش

Dec. 17, 2006 — Consumer Reports magazine recently tested popular face creams to see how well they fought wrinkles.
On Sunday's "Good Morning America Weekend Edition," Consumer Reports health editor Ronni Sandroff said that contrary to popular belief, price does not dictate a cream's power.
"There was no correlation between effectiveness and price," Sandroff said.
Even the more effective creams provided only a minimal reduction of wrinkles — less than 10-percent. Sandroff said consumers can't expect a cream to perform a miracle.
"There is really no face lift in a jar," she said. "The best advice is prevent those wrinkles in the first place — stay out of the sun and don't smoke."
Here's how Consumer Reports ranked the face creams they tested, in order from most effective to least.
Slightly More Effective
1. Olay Regenerist (Enhancing Lotion, Perfecting Cream and Daily Regenerating Serum)
Price: $57
Type: Night/Day/Serum
Day-cream SPF: 15
2. Lancome Paris Renergie
Price: $176
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: None
3. RoC Retin-Ox+
Price: $135
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: 15
Average Performance
4. Neutrogena Visibly Firm Night Cream With Active Copper
Price: $38
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: 20
5. Avon Anew Alternative Intensive Age Treatment
Price: $64
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: 25
6. L'Oreal Paris Dermo-Expertise Wrinkle De-Crease With Boswelox Advanced Wrinkle Corrector & Dermo Smoother
Price: $40
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: None
7. StriVectin-SD Intensive Concentrate for Existing Stretch Marks
Price: $135
Type: One type
Day-cream SPF: None
Slightly Less Effective
8. La Prairie Cellular
Price: $335
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: 15
9. RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle
Price: $40
Type: Night/Day
Day-cream SPF: 15

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