أنا والبرزنتيشن وياقلبي لاتحزن :S


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


كيف الحال ياحوائيات ؟؟؟ إن شاء الله تمام

الموهيم ياحلوات

انا اتمنى اني استفيد من خبرتكم في البرزنتيشن تبعي

لأني اول مرة في حياتي العلمية والعملية اعمل برزينتيشن وحالتي صعععبة :eek:

والموضوع اللي اخترتو هو هوس التسوق أو هوس الشراء

انا بحثت في جوجل بالعربي ولقيت موضوع كامل عن هوس الشراء

و نسخت الموضوع وترجمتو كمان في جوجل

وانتو عارفين انو مترجم جوجل مليان اخطاء والكلام يصير مو مرتب ووو

وانا اختكم في الله ما اعرف للإنجليزي تمام :(

فأتمنى انكم تساعدوني في ترتيب الكلام واختصاره ولكم جزيل الشكر

ودا هوا الموضوع


If we knew obsession Acharaela say more than that a state of addiction affecting women and lose the ability to control the situation Alyiradtha and start buying a few goods that women feel some comfort, Tmtaattor the situation and take to increase its purchases to feel more comfortable, and in the onset Tkonsaidp but then is upset and depression, ashamed of itself, and sees itself not Agdirpbalikdam, and that is classified as living with such a manic two types, the type of obsession with the Aklanipoptgm, the type of addict is not to buy any kind of rationality or control, and is Mcklpalmrop infected with the mania they deny that she was manic and justify the continued purchase Bonhamehtajp for those purchases.

* What is Alawamlalte help to increase this obsession?

The factors that help to activate some of this obsession stems from the same Almropbesbb desire to escape from the nightmare of emptiness, depression, anxiety, anger and rejection of others for the other Haualbed refer to the following:

1 The market now has become a place for all inclusive amenities that lure Bacharafahi now contains restaurants, gardens, exhibitions, lighting, fountains, and escalators for the disabled, and custody of children and daily vehicles attractive to take them too, and here Ibdoalhos.

2 stores some familiar faces Altistrae taught, and trained to save the seller the names of customers even talking to them, their names Almstraeb_khasusip feels more and return to buy again.

3 The major Bedmahlat provide customers with luxury places to sit when you buy and serve it with a vendor Oobaiap appearance of a decent buyer as someone who is loved and respected, so that the confidence of the individual Almtabalmahbt himself and re-purchase to enjoy this.
4 Altnzelatalte announced by the shops, which are only a ploy to some Onbarv.

5 propaganda know that women get Okthereabp than men to always show people who buy advertising happy Mmtlienbalehioip and other fun for them and that women are striving for the purchase of goods for this Alomlalkazb.

6 Proliferation of magazines and marketing Kzlcalantrnt.

7 spread of supermarkets, which is Oktrmen markets, downloads, and advertising and television because everything in these markets seductive manner Sarmglva entice any woman no matter how Drjpatzanha.

* How do you cite the women she had Bhosachara?

I said in previous Analmrop infected obsession purchase does not recognize it Mhosp shopping, so give it Hzhaltsawlat that allow them the opportunity to know it a regular shopper or Mhospbaltsouk ..

1 Andmatstraen Do you feel guilty for not being able to stop buying?

2 Do you have a concern in sleep and you are thinking about the amount of the Vyalsouk encountered?

3 month you bought cellophane Daotain Tstkhaddmihaoo would you use it will be rare?

4 Is there a fight Pincoppin your husband to the high purchase for you?

5 Fayaltsouk your mind thinking and procurement dramatically.

6 thinking about the predecessor of the Ocildad debt.

7 ninety always stores that Tqdembdhaia installments.

If the women admitted that the Dihabed the previous points, certainly could have had a problem Hosachara.

Q: Is shopping craze by producing pressure Anhcefp or personal?

No one can deny the role of stress in an obsession Alisabpbalomrad therefore purchase, like all the disease pressure is the main cause Hdothubma that women are more vulnerable to pressure from no wonder that men are more obsessed with the Acharamenh, but this does not mean that this obsession also produces factors occurred in childhood Mnhaihmal mother to daughter or her concern, which gives them a sense of insecurity when Tkproo frequent criticism of her child, as well as the daughter of parents to control too much, and Fayalojer unconditional love by parents, which makes the child lose Thagthbnevsh.

Q: What is the position of the husband of his wife's obsession with purchasing?

Unfortunately, some couples encourage their wives to purchase an obsession because they do not Tjbhmalmrop balanced economic, due to studies showing that 50% of Alencaoualmassabat obsessed with shopping and overnight with the husband has an obsession with something else Khos Allvzionoo obsession of sports, this is encouraged either to feel or know Maieinh Rush Ilyce without a sense of control or the ability to encourage or turn a blind eye turn a blind eye until it is about Hoshoo addiction.
Besides, there are some men want Onidthd wife is psychopathic and the fact that living in a problem like obsession with shopping, this gives it Mbrraany Idthdha and despises and criticizes, in addition to some couples find that this obsession with betrayal Frsplimarss Braanh or means to compensate for its inability to prevent emotions Altianajha The latter category of couples pleased that his wife inflamed buy rather than who may Alndjoalthagavp Izaajan for any reason.

* How do you get rid of women Hmaalhos?

Before delving into how to get rid of the obsession Acharaelabd Almhosp that put women in mind two things: first, to recognize that they have a problem, the second to ask itself why it has become obsessed with purchase? And then to look for Idtainha treatment in the absence of the availability of help for treatment of can resort Ilyalehil the following:

1 Aqenai yourself that not all Alolwantnaspk.

2 Aqenai yourself that model with Ao Modelan Vkotainspaink.

3 Buy something other than the Tstraenh Kktaboo bar of my knowledge.

4 Avoid stores that Tgoicbcjaap and go shopping in stores that Atgoic merchandise.

5 Abosi anyone for you to buy something Thpinh even more Atstraen Mmatreden.

6 Do not go to buy with a friend then Hosachara well.

7 Tjunbyaltnzelat.

8 to Atstrae something such as premature Acharaelhvlp months after the wedding you will get.

9 you whenever there is a Caouraltsouk Tie shopping as good as anything other than an accident Ihsellk>


ادري انو الموضوع طويل وراح ياخد وقت وجهد لكن اتمنى انكم تساعدوني لو برفع الموضوع

واللي تساعدني والله لأدعيلها في صلاتي :26:

لأني محتاجة الموضوع ضروووووووري

,, الأنامل المبدعة ,,

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

أوفى البشر
أوفى البشر
با التوفيق يارب
عبيــــر الــــورد
الله يوفقك وييسر أمرك يارب
الأنامل المبدعة
جزاكم الله كل خير على رفع الموضوع

ياليت اللي عندها خبرة تساعدني

,, الأنامل المبدعة ,,
The sea pearl
The sea pearl
موضوع هذا فيه أخطاء إملائية كثيرة شوفي لك غيره
مرجوجة لندن
مرجوجة لندن
الله يسهل امرك