أهل الإنجليزي أرجو المساعده

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته

لو سمحتم هل بإمكانكم تزويدي بمقالة (باللغة الإنجليزيه) تتحدث عن المكتبات ..

أو أي نص أنجليزي يتحدث عن المكتبات..

وأكون شاكره لكم ..

أتمنى منكم تقديم المساعده

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

عبير الزهور
عبير الزهور
اهلين اميرة الاحساس
كيفك يا عمري

I hope this will helpyou

The Public Library
The public library is a place where the public can borrow materials such as books, magazines, videos, and music tapes, without cost. The materials are in English and other languages. In order to borrow these materials, you need to have a library card. A library card can be obtained free by showing something with your current address to library staff at the check-out desk.
In the King County Library System in Washington State you can check-out books, audio tapes, and CD's for 28 days. Most videos are due in ten days. Magazines and newspapers are due in fourteen days. If the materials are returned late, the library charges fines, 10 cents per day for everything except videos. Those fines are $1.00 a day.

The way you find out what is in the library is through the library computer. If you know the name of the book or author, you can type it into the computer and find out where the item is located. You can also find information by typing in a subject you want to know more about. Ask the library staff to help you use the computers.

The library also offers programs for all ages. You can take your child to pre-school storytime. There are also programs for older children and adults, such as origami and music programs. The library does not charge for any of the programs.

The library has information you can use every day. There are: videos and tapes to help you learn English, books and magazines that tell you the best buys on products, encyclopedias full of information on all topics, materials that will help you find a job, books, videos and tapes for children of all ages, and materials in your native language. Best of all, the library has a staff to help you find what you need.
هذا الرابط في مواضيع عن المكتبات .. إن شاء الله يفيديك
