بنات الله يسعدكم ترجموا لي هالمقال هو علية كتكليف مو عارفة شي :biggrinlo
وياليت كل فقرة وترجمتها تحتها مو لازم ترجمه حرفية المهم المعني صحيح
اعذروني كثرت عليكم لكن مافي حد يساعدني غيركم بعد الله ...
Ways to help children develop
high self-esteem
The development of high self-esteem is one of the greatest
gifts we can give to our children. What can parents
do to ensure its healthy development? Here are some
• Establish a strong bond of love and trust at an early
• Learn about normal childhood behaviors, so you will
have a better understanding and realistic expectations
of your child’s capabilities at different ages.
• Provide an affectionate, nurturing, and safe emotional
and physical environment for your child.
• Set limits on acceptable behavior through teaching
and role-modeling. When you discipline or punish
your child, always do so in private, because humiliation
before others can deeply damage a person’s selfesteem.
The most effective method for developing desirable
behavior is praising good behavior, not punishing
bad behavior.
• Be available to listen. Help your child acknowledge
feelings (anger, sorrow, anxiety, fear). If your child
says “I hate him” in response to having a toy broken,
you may wish to respond, “You don’t hate your
brother, you love him.” But your child is feeling hatred
at that moment, and you are denying his or her
feelings. You are saying, “Your feelings are wrong,
they don’t count.” It is better to encourage a child to
express those feelings (“You are angry because your
toy is broken”), while teaching him not to act in a
hurtful or destructive manner.
• Praise, encourage, and thank your child, even for the
smallest steps of improvement. Make sure that
affirmations and “positive discipline” outweigh the
punitive or “negative discipline.” Avoid harsh criticisms
and putdowns.
• Listen with interest and full attention when your child
talks. Give a few moments of undivided attention each
• Realistically evaluate your child’s good points and
strengths, and help your child to see them.Avoid comparisons
with other children, especially brothers and
Assessing a child’s self-concept
Be alert and observing of children’s attitudes and behaviors.
Think about the following questions when you
observe your children or others’.
• Do they seem to be self-confident and selfassured?
• Are they able to complete tasks, once started? • Do
they know their strong points and what they like about
• Do they get excited when offered the opportunity to
try new things?
• Do they set goals that challenge their ability without
being impossible to achieve?
• Do they have dreams and ideas for what they would
like to be when they “grow up”?
• Are they easily frustrated and often quit tasks before
they are completed?
• Do they get upset when given the opportunity to try
new things because they are afraid of failing and being
• Do they set goals that are far below their ability or
are far too difficult to achieve?
• Do they have trouble saying positive things about
themselves; do they criticize themselves often?
If you answered “yes” to most of the questions on the
positive side, then these children probably have an overall
positive self-concept. If you answered “yes” to most
of the questions on the negative side, then you may want
to consider ways you can help these children develop a
more positive view of themselves.
Remember that positive self-esteem is important, because
when people experience it, they feel good and look
good. They become effective and productive and respond
to other people and themselves in healthy, positive, growing
ways. People who have positive self-esteem know
that they are lovable and capable, and they care about
themselves and other people. As someone vitally interested
in your child’s development, you need to take heed
of the saying, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.”
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
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