إلى أمـــــل عــــــادل أو أي وحده تعرف أنجليزي؟؟ ضرووووووووووري

اللغة الأنجليزية

أبي تعبير( ESSay ) عن Personal Hero
مع تطبيق الخطوات التاليه عليها:
1_ Introduction:Person you are Writing About
2_ Paragraph 1 : Description of the Person
3_ Paragraph 2 :One Quality you Want to Emphasize
4_Paragraph 3 : A Story that Show this Quality
5_ Conclusion : How the person Has Influenced you

أريده ضروووووري يوم الأربعاء عندي أمتحان.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

^ احــلام مبعـــثره ^
تبين اي شخصيه اختي

عشان اقدر اساعدك
أوتار الحب
أوتار الحب
الله يعافيـك ويرزقك الفردووووووس الأعلى من الجنــــــــة..
أبيه عن الرســــــــول صلى الله عليه وسلم..
^ احــلام مبعـــثره ^
ابشري اختي متى تبينه
أوتار الحب
أوتار الحب
الأربعــــــــاء يعني بكــــــره ضرووووووووري وفقك الله من حيث لاتحتسبين..
^ احــلام مبعـــثره ^
لا يمكنك مشاهدة هذا التعليق لانتهاكه شروط الاستخدام.
Muhammad is the central prophet of the Islamic faith. Born into a noble Quraish (Quraysh) clan, he was orphaned at an early age. He grew up to be a successful merchant, then turned contemplative; it's said that beginning when he was 40, Muhammad was commanded by Allah (God) to recite the words that would later become Islam's holy book, the Qur'an (or Koran). As the revelations continued, Muhammad preached publicly of the duty to submit to the one true god, gaining followers and earning the enmity of the polytheistic authorities. To escape persecution, Muhammad was forced to flee in 622 to Yathrib (later called Medina). His poetic recitations and pleas for social justice continued to win converts, and Muhammad was repeatedly called into battle in his efforts to unite Arabia behind the faith known as Islam (meaning "submission"). After finally conquering Mecca in 630, Muhammad returned to Medina, where he died in 632
Muhammad led a very ordinary life yet the life style he practiced offered an example for others to follow. So this is an invitation to search through the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) lifestyle and adopt what he did in his daily activities.

وهذا الرابط بعد يفيدك في الموضوع

واسفه تاخرت عليك ماعليش سامحيني وقتي ضيق:44: