
ndooo @ndooo

محررة ذهبية

ابغا تعبير انجليزي عن اهمية اللغة Eفي حياتنا ضروووري

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الله يوفقكم

ابغا تعبير انجليزي عن اهمية اكتساب اللغة الانجليزية في حياتنا

ضروووري لانه عندي اختبار ومانى عارفه شي ولانى عارفه ابحث

ربي يوفق الى تساعدنى ويرزقها من حيث لاتحتسب

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

سكون انثى
سكون انثى
هلا حبيبتي

ابشري دقايق وتكون عندك

بس قولي كم سطر تحبين ؟
سكون انثى
سكون انثى
اتفضلي حبيبتي

English has become the global language, the first and most widespread in the world. . English is the language of modern times. English language science and technology and scientific research. English language and computer language study at universities and institutes. English way of thinking as a means of communication with others and become acquainted with the culture is the key to a foreign culture . Language is a tool communication
between peoples and cultures . .Take advantage of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Learning English helps in raising good citizens defends the values and ideals of the nation and religion.
English is necessary and the process must be learned independently of our admiration for those who speak.Is a foreign language like English proficiency kind of intelligence is not linguistic intelligence and English is an asset no matter is added to the inventory of individual mental. so Learning English will help us in responding to the challenges of the world and technological knowledge that invade us in our own
In the era of globalization and the universality of culture

اي تعديل او ترجمة

انا جاهزهـ

فديتك ادعي لي بتسهيل اموري ...
الله يجزاكى خير وييسر اموووورك كما تتمنين ياااااااااارب
رسيل محمود
رسيل محمود
اتفضلي حبيبتي English has become the global language, the first and most widespread in the world. . English is the language of modern times. English language science and technology and scientific research. English language and computer language study at universities and institutes. English way of thinking as a means of communication with others and become acquainted with the culture is the key to a foreign culture . Language is a tool communication between peoples and cultures . .Take advantage of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Learning English helps in raising good citizens defends the values and ideals of the nation and religion. English is necessary and the process must be learned independently of our admiration for those who speak.Is a foreign language like English proficiency kind of intelligence is not linguistic intelligence and English is an asset no matter is added to the inventory of individual mental. so Learning English will help us in responding to the challenges of the world and technological knowledge that invade us in our own In the era of globalization and the universality of culture اي تعديل او ترجمة انا جاهزهـ فديتك ادعي لي بتسهيل اموري ...
اتفضلي حبيبتي English has become the global language, the first and most widespread in the...

لوسمحتي بتقدري تساعديني بدي قدم لمنحة و المنحة مكتوب فيها لماذا ترغب بهذه المنحة الا يقل الموضوع عن 80 كلمة و لما علينا اختيارك و هي منحة تعلم الانجليزية بتقدري تساعديني
فوح حواء
فوح حواء
شكرا علي كل القائمين علي الموقع اشعر ان به تحديثات رائعه جدا لم اشهد مثلها منذ زمن فى المنتديات الاخري احسنتم فى التطوير واظهار جمال موقعكم
واشكركم علي تعبير بالانجليزي الذي قمتم بتقديمة