السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنات حبيت اي وحده فيكم تترجم لي هذا الكام المكتوب لأن بعضه عرفت اقراه وبعضه لا
ومشكورين حبوبات
Look in the mirror and you will see,
whether a girl or a boy it will be,
Is your hair full of body, with a lusterous shine
or is it thin and stringy, and makes you want to whine?
Thinner and stringer *
Shiny and fullbodied *
For the next question, you need to look to your legs,
there down there somewhere, a little voice said.
Is your hair growing faster, could you make your own braids?
Or is it the same as before you were preg?
Faster *
Same as before *
How about your nails, my pregnant friend
Are they growing stronger and fast like the wind?
Or is the growth about the same as before
no changes at all, which can be quite a bore.
Faster and stronger *
Same as before *
When you wake in the morn are you green at the gills?
Unable to rise from your bed without being ill?
Or are you a lucky one who morning sickness has missed,
and you spend your mornings in a state of happy bliss?
green at the gills *
bliss for being missed *
Look at your cravings, for I'm told they will tell
the gender of your unborn child as well...
Is it sour taste that makes your day?
and lemons, and pickles keep you on your happy way?
Or do you find yourself craving sweets,
and always looking around for a nice little treat?
Sweet *
Sour *
When you look in the mirror at your tush (that's your rear)
Do you find that it's growing in size? OH DEAR!
Yes *
No *
How about your feet? (No, not do they stink)
To answer this question, I need you to think Way back to your pre pregnancy days...
Are your feet colder now or were they always this way?
No *
*swisha swisha swisha swhisa*
goes baby's little heart
already full of love for you right from the start,
But if you wish to use it, to help you see your fate,
you will need to look at baby's sweet heart rate!
Is heart rate below 139 or above 140?
139 or below *
140 or above *
In Florida, they call Orange Juice, liquid gold or sunshine,
Do you find now that you're pregnant, you crave it more of the time?
Yes *
No *
High or Low? Which way does baby go?
Are you carrying high as the sky?
Or is your baby resting low?
High *
Low *
Is your tummy shaped more like the watermelon for the picnic?
Or the beach ball for the beach?
This way of guessing baby's gender Is right within in your reach
Reach out now and feel your tummy,
Do you think bounce or do you think yummy?
(Yummy) Watermelon *
(Bounce) Beach ball *
Kick to the left
Kick to the right
Stand up Sit Down,
Fight Fight Fight
So which way does your future soccer player kick most often?
Right or Left?
Left *
Right *
High or low again, here we go...
Is your baby kicking high (in the ribs)
or are they kicking low? (in the stomach)?
High *
Low *
To answer this question glance over at Dad,
Is he gaining weight in sympathy with you?
If so, that's a right gentlemanly thing to do!
Yes *
No *
During pregnancy you gain weight all over the place,
but to answer this question can you see it in your face?
Yes *
No *
JANA_8 @jana_8
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
شوفي انا ترجمت لك ياه من موقع فلذلك الترجمة ركيكة جدا ومضحكة بس اذا انتي بتعرفي شوي انكليزي بتعتمدي على ترجمة بعض الكلام من اللي ترجمت لك ياه
ويارب اكون افدتك وان شاء الله يفيدوك اكثر:26: