ابغى تعبير انقلش عن عسيير الله يعافيكم

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
انا طالبه كبيرات ولااعرف للأنقلش😭ابد
وعندياختبار الاحد من ضمنه تعبير عن عسير
الله يعافيكم ابي 3 سطور
عن الاشياء ذي.
1الموقع لها وين
2ايش المشهور فيها
3الطقس لها كيف
4ليش يروح لها السياح
فقط هذه الاشياء
الله يوفق من تكتب لي دينا واآخره
ويسعدها ياااارب

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

متفائله رغم الحزن
😔😔ولااحد يعرف 😥
الرحيق المختوم89
😔😔ولااحد يعرف 😥
😔😔ولااحد يعرف 😥
‎ ʿAsīr) is a region of Saudi Arabia located in the southwest of the
country, named after the tribe of Asir which has the same name.
Geographically, the 'Asir Region is situated on a high plateau that receives more rainfall than the rest of the country and contains the country's highest peaks, which rise to almost 3,000 metres at Jebel Sawdah near Abha. Though data is exceedingly sparse and unreliable, the average annual rainfall in the highlands probably ranges from 300 to 500 millimetres (12 to 20 inches) falling in two rainy seasons, the chief one being in March and April with some rain in the summer. Temperatures are very extreme, with diurnal temperature ranges in the highlands the greatest in the world. It is common for afternoon temperatures to be over 30 °C (85 °F) yet mornings can be extremely frosty and fog can cut visibility to near zero percent. As a result, there is much more natural vegetation in 'Asir than in any other part of Saudi Arabia, with sheltered areas even containing areas of dense coniferous forests, though more exposed ridges still are very dry. 'Asir is home to many farmers who chiefly grow wheat and fruit crops, though irrigation has greatly expanded production in modern times.
هذه بعض الجمل عن عسير وجدتها ياريت تفيدك
متفائله رغم الحزن
‎ ʿAsīr) is a region of Saudi Arabia located in the southwest of the country, named after the tribe of Asir which has the same name. Geographically, the 'Asir Region is situated on a high plateau that receives more rainfall than the rest of the country and contains the country's highest peaks, which rise to almost 3,000 metres at Jebel Sawdah near Abha. Though data is exceedingly sparse and unreliable, the average annual rainfall in the highlands probably ranges from 300 to 500 millimetres (12 to 20 inches) falling in two rainy seasons, the chief one being in March and April with some rain in the summer. Temperatures are very extreme, with diurnal temperature ranges in the highlands the greatest in the world. It is common[clarification needed] for afternoon temperatures to be over 30 °C (85 °F) yet mornings can be extremely frosty and fog can cut visibility to near zero percent. As a result, there is much more natural vegetation in 'Asir than in any other part of Saudi Arabia, with sheltered areas even containing areas of dense coniferous forests, though more exposed ridges still are very dry. 'Asir is home to many farmers who chiefly grow wheat and fruit crops, though irrigation has greatly expanded production in modern times. هذه بعض الجمل عن عسير وجدتها ياريت تفيدك
‎ ʿAsīr) is a region of Saudi Arabia located in the southwest of the country, named after...
الله يوفقك ياعسل