السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يعطيكم العافيه عندي برقراف طالبته الاستاذه يرفع درجاتنا
وهو عن
Rumors او Superstition
اخر موعد اسلمه لها يوم السبت الجاي
تبغى برقراف نكتب فيه امثله وموشرط طويل
الله يجزاكم خير:26:

shahad n @shahad_n
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
ان شاء الله يفيدك واتمنى انك تدعي لي بالوظيفه
There are many common superstitions. A lot of superstitions go back into the dark past of the middle ages. Many of the superstitions are for holidays while others concern the weather, seasons, and animals.
Christmas is the holiday with the most superstitions. Here are some.
In the nineteenth century, people had to eat cake on Christmas Eve. It was unlucky to cut the cake before the sun came up on Christmas Eve. A little bit of the cake had to be saved until Christmas Day.
If a child was born on Christmas Day, he would be safe from death by drowning or hanging. Children born on Christmas Eve were also lucky.
January 6 is the date when Christmas decorations should come down. Supertitions say that it is bad luck to leave it for another day or take it down before that date.
If you are under the mistletoe with someone of the opposite sex, you should be kissed. Otherwise, you will both have bad luck.
At midnight on Christmas Eve, all the doors of the house should be opened to let out eveil spirits.
New Year's also has a lot of superstitions. Here are some.
You must eat something leafy and green on New Year's Day. That will bring you money or riches during the year, and you won't have to worry about paying bills.
Your house should be clean and there should be no dirty clothes in the house on New Year's Day. This is for good luck.
The first person to come into your house on New Year's Day should be a man. Anything else is bad luck.
A candle should be placed in a window to burn all night long from 12 o'clock midnight. This will guarantee the household's luck for another year.
There are a lot of superstitions about cats. This may be because many superstitions come from pagan Europe where they had many house cats. Stray cats were thought to be the pets of witches.
Seeing a white cat at night is bad luck
Dreaming of a white cat will bring you good luck.
When a cat washes its face, it will rain.
Cats have nine lives.
Crossing a stream with a cat will bring bad luck.
Sleeping with a cat will bring bad luck.
A back cat crossing you path will bring bad luck.
Here are some other animal superstitions:
Carrying and rubbing a rabbits foot will bring good luck.
Step on a spider and you will have bad luck.
A howling dog means that death is near
Many supersititions say that you have to do something deliberate to cause something good to happen or make something bad happen.
You must throw rice on a new bride and groom. That is so that they will have many children
You should knock on wood to avoid bad luck.
Do not walk under an open ladder. You will have bad luck
The number 13 is unlucky. Do not make plans for the 13th of any month. Do not move to an apartment on the 13th floor of any building.
Breaking a mirror will bring you 7 years bad luck.
If you spill some salt, take some and throw it over your left shoulder.
Find a penny and pick it up. All the day you'll have good luck.
If you find a four-leaf clover, you will have good luck.
Some superstitions are based on common sense. Such as:
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched!
Three people should not use the same match to light a cigarette or a candle.
In baseball, if you step on a white line it's bad luck.
Some people have lucky clothing and they will always wear the same clothes that make them feel lucky.
تكلمت بصفه عامه عن الخرافه مع امثله مثل ماطلتي , وما ادري ايش تبي عنه بالضبط وان شاء الله يكون واضح