suppose you are a person who has alwayes dreamed of owning a
business but never had the money to start one , recenntly , you have approached the small business Develovement Agency , you have been informed that you will be provided BD 12,000 as an interest -free loan to repaid over 5 years on convenient installment payments.
consider the following points
**The available option **
**which option are you going to choose **
**The specific resources you shold consider in starting your business , **
**THE form of business that would be best for you, **
** Te advantages and disadvanteges aasociated with boththe form of business ownership and the size of the business**
اني فكرت اسوي عن محل كمبيوترات سمول بزنس وحلو يناسب المبلغ المعطاة انتو شرايكم
فكروا لي في شىء حلو وحاولو لو اتوون بس الممقدمة اذا ما قدرتوا..
الموضوع الثاني :

أنوار البحرين @anoar_albhryn
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

همس النسيم :
ماعندي فكره ان شالله البنات يفيدونكماعندي فكره ان شالله البنات يفيدونك
:icon33: :icon33: :22: :22: :( :( معقولة محد يعرف؟؟
همس النسيم شكرا انك عبرتيني ...........بنات ابي بس الموضوع الاول..
همس النسيم شكرا انك عبرتيني ...........بنات ابي بس الموضوع الاول..

الصفحة الأخيرة
part two Receiving ana Responding to a Variety of Information
today , nearly everyone needs documents for communication on personal as well as professional levels.Various document can sometimes be created in routine formats but , at other times, special formats are more appropriate. Morever, we typically want to get our documents quicly and conveniently available to help meet these need. To learn more about the organization's operations, you can use a variety of information sources for example, websites and trade directories .
Required : Log on any production or service organization site and/or visit the organization to obtain the following information
a) find out the range of products and services offered by the organization.
b) choose any three products/services and for each identify the input resources required, describe the step in its transformation process and describe the outputs.
c) find the guidelines on purchasing practies; the steps followed in the selection of qualifed vendors, the process of preparing and evaluating a quotation , the negotiation strategies to be implemented/avoided..etc.
d)Describe the stock management control system. Mention the measurements taken by the organization as to ensure that sufficient stock is available as and when required....
prepare a report(from 1000 to 1500 words) summarizing your findings and attach all support documents such as quotations, purchasing orders, delivery notes ..etc
ارجو انكم ما تخيبون ظني لأني متورطة..