حياكم الله مشاهدينا الأعزاء مع حلقة جديدة من برنامجكم المتجدد "الشعر والشعراء"
ضيوفنا لهذه الليلة كثيرا ما قرأنا لهم وصفقنا إعجابا بشعرهم هم نجوم الشعر في العصر الميتافيزيقي "metaphysical period" وهم John Donne , Goerge Herbert,
and Andrew Marvell
- مرحبا بكم سعدنا كثيرا بقبولكم دعوتنا لتكونوا احد نجوم برنامج "الشعر والشعراء"
- ونحن سعداء كثيرا بأن سمحت لنا الفرصة بأن نكون على اتصال مع المشاهدين الكرام
- بداية لأمسيتنا هذه الليلة نود منكم أن تقدموا لنا نبذه عن حياتكم
- جون دون تفضل مشكورا للتعريف بنفسك
- وبعد جولة سريعة في حياة الشاعر جون دون ننتقل للشاعر اندرو مارفل ليعرفنا بنفسه
- شكرا اندرو وماذا عنك جورج ؟؟
- شكرا جورج
- "الشعر الميتافيزيقي" هناك أناس لا يعرفون عنه الكثير فماذا تعني هذه العبارة؟؟
- ما أشهر خصائص هذه المرحلة ؟؟
- معلومات قيمة سررت بالاستماع إليها
- نحن بشوق للاستماع لقصائدكم الرائعة هل بالإمكان أن تمتعنا بواحدة منها؟
- نعم بالطبع سألقي عليكم قصيدة "........."
- رائع استمتعت بها كثيرا
- اندرو أمتعنا بإحدى قصائدك ؟؟
- شعر رائع .ماذا عنك جورج؟؟
- رائع جدا سررت بشعركم الرائع
- أعزائي المشاهدين اعتذر لكم فقد انتهى الوقت المحدد للبرنامج . ننتظر تصويتكم لشاعركم المفضل على الأرقام التالية stc... و mobily ...... وzain.......
- جون وجورج وأندروا انقضى وقت البرنامج سريعا وقد سررنا كثيرا بهذه الحلقة المتميزة بوجودكم
- وأخيرا محدثتكم "......." تودعكم على أمل اللقاْء بكم في حلقة جديدة ونجوم آخرون
أملي الدعوة @amly_aldaao
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
أموآج :Our dear viewers Allah greeted you with a new episode from your renewed program the poetry and the poets Our guests of this tonight many we read for them and applauded an admiration by their poetry is the poetry stars in the metaphysical age Metaphysical Period who is John Donne, Goerge Herbert, and Andrew Marvell - A welcome to you we were happy a lot with your acceptance of our call to be one of stars the poetry and the poets program - And we are happy a lot by to she allowed us the opportunity that we are in contact with the noble viewers - Beginning to our evening tonight we like from you that you offer to us its rejection about your life - John without he favoured thanked to the definition yourself - And after a fast tour in the life of poet John without we move to the poet Andrew Marfl so that he knows us himself - Thank you Andrew and what is about you George ? - Thank you George - The metaphysical poetry there is a people don't knowing about it many what he means this phrase ? - What declared the features of this stage ? - Valuable information I pleased with listening to them - We are eagerly to listen to your wonderful poems do with the possibility that she pleases us with one of them ? - Yes definitely I will put on you a poem .. - a wonderful she enjoyed it a lot - Andrew we pleased with one of your poems ? - a wonderful poetry . what is about you George ? - a very wonderful I pleased by your wonderful poetry - my dears the viewers he apologized to you the specific time has ended to the program . we wait for to vote you for your favorite poet on the next numbers Stc and Mobily . and Zain - John, George and Androua the program time passed quickly and we have pleased a lot by this ring distinguished by your presence - and finally Mhdthtkm . he sends you hoping the meeting to you in a new ring and stars other -------------------------------------------------- ترجمته من مترجم :35:Our dear viewers Allah greeted you with a new episode from your renewed program the poetry and...
الله يجزاك الفردوس الاعلى من الجنه ويجمعك باحبابك فيها
بس هذي ترجمة حرفيه
ودي احد يكتبه بأسلوبه
بس هذي ترجمة حرفيه
ودي احد يكتبه بأسلوبه
Dear God Hyakm viewers with a new episode of your program renewed "Poetry and Poets"
Guests of the night often read them and applauded in admiration Bchaaram are stars in modern metaphysical poetry "metaphysical period" are John Donne, Goerge Herbert,
and Andrew Marvell
- Hello to you great joy in accepting the call you will be one of the stars of the program "Poetry and Poets"
- And we are very happy that allowed us the opportunity to be in touch with viewers customers
- The beginning of Omseatona tonight we would like you to give us About your life
- John Donne prefer to thank him for the definition of your own
- After a quick tour in the life of the poet John Donne move the poet Andrew Marvell to show us his own
- Thanks, Andrew and what about you George??
- Thanks, George
- "Metaphysical poetry" There are people who do not know a lot about what these words mean??
- What characteristics of this stage months??
- Valuable information I was pleased to listen to
- We are looking forward to listen to the wonderful Qsaidkm Can we have enjoyed one of them?
- Yes, of course I will you a poem "........."
- I enjoyed many wonderful
- Andrew Omtena one of your poems??
- Felt great. What about you George??
- Very cool pleased Bcarkm wonderful
- Dear viewers apologize to you has ended on time for the program. Waiting for your votes for Haarkm favorite on the following numbers stc ... And mobily ...... And zain .......
- John, George and Andrew passed the program will quickly We are delighted by your presence in this unique workshop
- Finally Mahdttkm "......." Todekm the hope of meeting you in a new Stars and others
هذه ترجمته لك من الترجمه الفوريه تبع قوقل
Guests of the night often read them and applauded in admiration Bchaaram are stars in modern metaphysical poetry "metaphysical period" are John Donne, Goerge Herbert,
and Andrew Marvell
- Hello to you great joy in accepting the call you will be one of the stars of the program "Poetry and Poets"
- And we are very happy that allowed us the opportunity to be in touch with viewers customers
- The beginning of Omseatona tonight we would like you to give us About your life
- John Donne prefer to thank him for the definition of your own
- After a quick tour in the life of the poet John Donne move the poet Andrew Marvell to show us his own
- Thanks, Andrew and what about you George??
- Thanks, George
- "Metaphysical poetry" There are people who do not know a lot about what these words mean??
- What characteristics of this stage months??
- Valuable information I was pleased to listen to
- We are looking forward to listen to the wonderful Qsaidkm Can we have enjoyed one of them?
- Yes, of course I will you a poem "........."
- I enjoyed many wonderful
- Andrew Omtena one of your poems??
- Felt great. What about you George??
- Very cool pleased Bcarkm wonderful
- Dear viewers apologize to you has ended on time for the program. Waiting for your votes for Haarkm favorite on the following numbers stc ... And mobily ...... And zain .......
- John, George and Andrew passed the program will quickly We are delighted by your presence in this unique workshop
- Finally Mahdttkm "......." Todekm the hope of meeting you in a new Stars and others
هذه ترجمته لك من الترجمه الفوريه تبع قوقل
كاسي ألماسي :Dear God Hyakm viewers with a new episode of your program renewed "Poetry and Poets" Guests of the night often read them and applauded in admiration Bchaaram are stars in modern metaphysical poetry "metaphysical period" are John Donne, Goerge Herbert, and Andrew Marvell - Hello to you great joy in accepting the call you will be one of the stars of the program "Poetry and Poets" - And we are very happy that allowed us the opportunity to be in touch with viewers customers - The beginning of Omseatona tonight we would like you to give us About your life - John Donne prefer to thank him for the definition of your own - After a quick tour in the life of the poet John Donne move the poet Andrew Marvell to show us his own - Thanks, Andrew and what about you George?? - Thanks, George - "Metaphysical poetry" There are people who do not know a lot about what these words mean?? - What characteristics of this stage months?? - Valuable information I was pleased to listen to - We are looking forward to listen to the wonderful Qsaidkm Can we have enjoyed one of them? - Yes, of course I will you a poem "........." - I enjoyed many wonderful - Andrew Omtena one of your poems?? - Felt great. What about you George?? - Very cool pleased Bcarkm wonderful - Dear viewers apologize to you has ended on time for the program. Waiting for your votes for Haarkm favorite on the following numbers stc ... And mobily ...... And zain ....... - John, George and Andrew passed the program will quickly We are delighted by your presence in this unique workshop - Finally Mahdttkm "......." Todekm the hope of meeting you in a new Stars and others هذه ترجمته لك من الترجمه الفوريه تبع قوقلDear God Hyakm viewers with a new episode of your program renewed "Poetry and Poets" Guests of...
الله يجزاك الفردوس بس الترجمة حرفيه ابي احد يكتبه باسلوبه
الصفحة الأخيرة
Our guests of this tonight many we read for them and applauded an admiration by their poetry is the poetry stars in the metaphysical age Metaphysical Period who is John Donne, Goerge Herbert,
and Andrew Marvell
- A welcome to you we were happy a lot with your acceptance of our call to be one of stars the poetry and the poets program
- And we are happy a lot by to she allowed us the opportunity that we are in contact with the noble viewers
- Beginning to our evening tonight we like from you that you offer to us its rejection about your life
- John without he favoured thanked to the definition yourself
- And after a fast tour in the life of poet John without we move to the poet Andrew Marfl so that he knows us himself
- Thank you Andrew and what is about you George ?
- Thank you George
- The metaphysical poetry there is a people don't knowing about it many what he means this phrase ?
- What declared the features of this stage ?
- Valuable information I pleased with listening to them
- We are eagerly to listen to your wonderful poems do with the possibility that she pleases us with one of them ?
- Yes definitely I will put on you a poem .. - a wonderful she enjoyed it a lot - Andrew we pleased with one of your poems ? - a wonderful poetry . what is about you George ? - a very wonderful I pleased by your wonderful poetry - my dears the viewers he apologized to you the specific time has ended to the program . we wait for to vote you for your favorite poet on the next numbers Stc and Mobily . and Zain - John, George and Androua the program time passed quickly and we have pleased a lot by this ring distinguished by your presence - and finally Mhdthtkm . he sends you hoping the meeting to you in a new ring and stars other
ترجمته من مترجم :35: