السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
هلا بكل الاخوات بغيت منكم خدمه . . بنتي الله يصلحه في الصف الثاني مدرسه انجليزيه في برطانيا
صارلها اكثر من سبوع تقولي ماما ابغا اكتب لمعلمتي كلام حلو او شكر ... انا بصراحه ما اعرف انجليزي
ودي افرحها بورقه شكر او عبارات حلوه لمعلمتها لأن معلمتها والله تستاهل الشكر ولا ما كان سمحت لها
الله يسعد الي ترد علي والي ما ترد ويفتحها ربي عليكم ،،
بنتي اسمها ندى . . معلمتها اسمها ( B entley
والف شكر للجميع ،،،،

الدمعه الـحـائـرة @aldmaah_alhayr
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

There are no words to match my gratitude,
However much like Shakespeare I might write.
Above all else, you've shaped my attitude,
Nurturing me with discipline and light.
Knowledge is the least of what you taught,
Yet that least at least prepared my head.
Out of your heart I've learned the things I ought,
Underscoring words you never said.
Thank you for your good and gentle care,
Having made your classroom bright with song,
Apparent in my child's frequent smiles,
Nestled in his thoughts of right and wrong.
Kids, like teachers, know when love is there.
You are the connoisseur of many styles,
Opening through days difficult and long
Understandings supple, sweet, and fair.
أتمــــــــــــــــنى انـــــــــــــــــي أفـــــــــــــدتكـــــــــــ يااااعمرري
However much like Shakespeare I might write.
Above all else, you've shaped my attitude,
Nurturing me with discipline and light.
Knowledge is the least of what you taught,
Yet that least at least prepared my head.
Out of your heart I've learned the things I ought,
Underscoring words you never said.
Thank you for your good and gentle care,
Having made your classroom bright with song,
Apparent in my child's frequent smiles,
Nestled in his thoughts of right and wrong.
Kids, like teachers, know when love is there.
You are the connoisseur of many styles,
Opening through days difficult and long
Understandings supple, sweet, and fair.
أتمــــــــــــــــنى انـــــــــــــــــي أفـــــــــــــدتكـــــــــــ يااااعمرري

الصفحة الأخيرة
ما عندي كلام حلو
ان شاء الله تفيدك غيري