اختبار التوفل والايلتس

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم


عندي طلب صغنووون

ابي الفرق بين التوفل والايلتس باللغة الانجليزية

بلييز ضروري لاتردوني

والله يحقق مراد الي ترد علي

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ضاوية 2
ضاوية 2
• IELTS and TOEFL are international level tests of English that are used to assess proficiency of candidates in English.
• While TOEFL has a focus on North American countries, IELTS is broader in nature.
• IELTS has a general version that is for people not going to English speaking countries for higher studies, while TOEFL makes no difference between different categories of candidates.
• Unless you are going to North America, you can take IELTS.
• Both IELTS and TOEFL scores are accepted by Universities in English speaking countries.

A negative influencefor TOEFL is the perception is that it is not accepted in UK universities.

o IELTS has a long tradition in Saudi and British Council/IELTS hasan Arabic version of the web site

o IELTS can test two hundred or more at one time at centers or hotelspaces they are rented. There is little wait time for a seat

o IELTS has their own Arabic language blog: IELTS-test-in-Saudi-Arabia-

o Scores can be retrieved from British Council and used for SaudiUniversities that require the paper version of the score. TOEFL scores, whenordered, rarely reach the university and university staff do not know howto retrieve scores from the encrypted database at ETS

o Test centers have handsome certificates that show them as a TestCenter and impressive banners that they can post outside. Profile ishugely important in Saudi. Many universities and all “institutes” are owned bypowerful and rich families and a high profile (prestige) in the Saudi cultureis of utmost importance.

o The perception is that sites often close on test days withoutalerting test candidates properly or on time. IELTS test centers are mentoredby IELTS staff so there is a smooth test delivery. TOEFL test sites oftenfeel that the ETS provides little support.

o In favor of TOEFL, many students are more computer savvy andprefer computer based test over paper based and they prefer having the speakingtest on the same test date

o Need materials in Arabic with models in GCC dress butless and less need for paper materials than in social media materials

~ليدي ~
~ليدي ~
اختي ما في فرق بالاختبار الي بالطريقه ولا هي نفس بعض
اولا اسالي عن الجهه الي انتي مقدمه لها الاختبار ايلتس ولا توفل
ثانيا اختبار التوفل الاغلب على جهاز الكمبيوتر
اما اختبار الايلتس على الورق
واحتساب الدرجات بينهم مختلف مثلا الايلتس 5 او 6 او 7 .....الخ من 9
اما التوفل 350 او 400 ..... الخ من ( )ما اعرف كم المجموع الاجمالي
والله اعلم على حسب خبرتي