السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
اكيد الاكثرية تجيله هالاختصارات ويدوخ على مايعرف وش تقصد ؟؟ خصوصا بالشات اللي كلها اختصارات
اتمنى التفاعل مع العضوات اللي يعرفون غير اللي بكتبها
b == be
ne1== anyone
c== see
b4 == before
k == okay
ur == your, you are, you’re
m == am
l8r == later
n,& == and
atm == at the moment; right now
r == are
asap == as soon as possible
u == you
btw== by the way
y == why
cya == see you later
cnt == cannot or can’t
g2g ,gtg == got to go; must leave
nm == never mind; forget what I said before
thx == thanks or thank you
2 == to, two, or too
4 == for, or part of a word that sounds like “four
at == @
ومين عندها زيادة تضيف :p
sweetmemi @sweetmemi
محررة ذهبية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
Plz == please
ABT == about
ATM == at the moment
A3 == anytime, naywhere, anyplace
BBL == be back later
BBS == be back soon
BRB == be right back
BRT == be right there
BTW == by the way
BF == boy friend
ABT == about
ATM == at the moment
A3 == anytime, naywhere, anyplace
BBL == be back later
BBS == be back soon
BRB == be right back
BRT == be right there
BTW == by the way
BF == boy friend
الصفحة الأخيرة
هذا اللي عند واذا تذكرت برجع
ربي يسعدك موضوعك روووعه