الســـلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لو سمحتوووا ابغى essay عن صديقي المفضل my best frirnd و سيارتي المفضلة My Favorites car اتمنى تكتبوووون قبل السبت ضرووووووري يكون فيها شروط الايسسي مقدمه والفكره والخاتمه

بنـ وايل ـــــت @bn_oayl_t
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

سلام شوفي كل ما تكتبي باراجراف جديد خلي مسافة حوالي 2 الى 3 كلمات من اول السطر .ما أعرف ليش ما طلعت معي هنا.وكمان غيري اسم الصديق اذا حبيتي وشكرا اتمنى اني توفقت بالمساعدة ادعو لي اشوف امي واروح احج السنه الجاية امين ***** الله

االلـــه يجزززززززززززززززاك كل خيير ويرززقك بشووفة امك قررريب ويرزقك الحج المبرور ويخلي ولدك ويقر عينك ببره اميين.. راح اوصي اخوي يدعي لك رايح الحرم عمره ان شاء الله,,
يقول اخوي يبغى التقسيم وين المقدمه والبودي والخاتمه عشان يسهل عليه الحفظ وكمان المدرس طالب منهم هذا التقسيم
يقول اخوي يبغى التقسيم وين المقدمه والبودي والخاتمه عشان يسهل عليه الحفظ وكمان المدرس طالب منهم هذا التقسيم

بنـ وايل ـــــت :
االلـــه يجزززززززززززززززاك كل خيير ويرززقك بشووفة امك قررريب ويرزقك الحج المبرور ويخلي ولدك ويقر عينك ببره اميين.. راح اوصي اخوي يدعي لك رايح الحرم عمره ان شاء الله,, يقول اخوي يبغى التقسيم وين المقدمه والبودي والخاتمه عشان يسهل عليه الحفظ وكمان المدرس طالب منهم هذا التقسيمااللـــه يجزززززززززززززززاك كل خيير ويرززقك بشووفة امك قررريب ويرزقك الحج المبرور ويخلي ولدك...
الله يوفقكم

المحبة لله كثيرا :
One year ago I knew him when we moved to a new house. When I was riding my new scooter he looked at me and said “hi” .His name is Ahmad. Since that time we became close friends. I consider him my best friend. He is 15 years old .He has brown eyes .He is quite tall. He is clever and handsome. He likes playing computer games .He is one of the best football players in the school team. We share many things .We have common habits. We go to the mosque at the exact time of each prayer. We like playing together and sharing food . I feel that he is the best person whom I can trust .I can tell him all my secrets because he is a real trustful friend. I hope to be his friend forever. هذه مساعدتي في حل الجزء الأول بس الجزء الثاني ما بافهم في السيارات بس ابني الصغير عمره 8 سنيين راح يكتب الموضوع طبعا بمساعدتي وبعض المعلومات من النت There are many kinds of cars like Camry, Ferrari, GMC, Toyota and Audi, but I like only one of them. My favorite is GMC .It is made in USA. It is made by General Motors Company which known as GM, is the world's second largest car manufacturer in the world. The company was founded in 1908 . GMC has been Marketed world wide and is rich in tradition and history, this company is known for such greats as the Suburban and the Sonoma. It has its brand GMC from the name ‘General Motors Truck Company ’ . GMC gets big wheels and big shape. Its fast and strong because of its powerful engine. It is quite expensive. It has many models, but the new ones look slimmer than the old ones. Although it has some problem such as the high price of its accessories and electrical problems but I like it. I like it so much and if I will get one , I will go to school by it and take my friends with me.If you decide to buy a GMC ,it’s better to choose Yukon. In my point of view, you cannot compare it with the other models because it is the best.One year ago I knew him when we moved to a new house. When I was riding my new scooter he...
اللي بالازرق المقدمة واللي بالاحمر البودي والاخير الخاتمه وخليت فراغ بينهم واسفه لاني ما شفت رسالتك الا متأخره امديه اخوكي نام الله يوفقه وينجح كل الطلاب
الصفحة الأخيرة
He is 15 years old .He has brown eyes .He is quite tall. He is clever and handsome. He likes playing computer games .He is one of the best football players in the school team. We share many things .We have common habits. We go to the mosque at the exact time of each prayer. We like playing together and sharing food .
I feel that he is the best person whom I can trust .I can tell him all my secrets because he is a real trustful friend. I hope to be his friend forever.
هذه مساعدتي في حل الجزء الأول بس الجزء الثاني ما بافهم في السيارات بس ابني الصغير عمره 8 سنيين راح يكتب الموضوع طبعا بمساعدتي وبعض المعلومات من النت
There are many kinds of cars like Camry, Ferrari, GMC, Toyota and Audi,
but I like only one of them. My favorite is GMC .It is made in USA. It is made by General Motors Company which known as GM, is the world's second largest car manufacturer in the world. The company was founded in 1908 . GMC has been Marketed world wide and is rich in tradition and history, this company is known for such greats as the Suburban and the Sonoma. It has its brand GMC from the name ‘General Motors Truck Company ’ .
GMC gets big wheels and big shape. Its fast and strong because of its powerful engine. It is quite expensive. It has many models, but the new ones look slimmer than the old ones.
Although it has some problem such as the high price of its accessories and electrical problems but I like it. I like it so much and if I will get one , I will go to school by it and take my friends with me.If you decide to buy a GMC ,it’s better to choose Yukon. In my point of view, you cannot compare it with the other models because it is the best.