اسعد الله اوقاتكم
تكفوووووون ساعدوني اذا ممكن والله لادعيلكم من قلب صادق
ابغاكم تترجمون هذي القطعه
Around theworld ,humaan activity and natural forces are reducing avaliable water resources.Although public awareness of the need to better manage and protect water has growen over the last decade economic criteria and political considerations still tend to drive water policy at all levels .Science and best paractice are rarely given adequate consideration.Pressures on water resources are increasing mainly as aresaultof human activity namely urbanisation population growth increased living standards growing competition for water and pollution.These are aggravated by climate change and variations in natural conditions .Stillsome progress is being made.More and more officials are evaluating water quantity and quality together and coordinating management efforts across borders

غلاتي حلاتي @ghlaty_hlaty
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هذا الموضوع مغلق.

برنسة البرنسيسة
خاص لطلبات الترجمة ( تمنع المواضيع المستقلة)
الصفحة الأخيرة