السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لو سمحتوا استاذة الانجليزي تبي قطعة (بارقراف )عن مساوئ ومخاطر الاجهزة الذكية مثل البلاك بيري والايفون وكذا . وهيه النشاط حق المادة لو سمحتوا مين تسويلي لاني والله ما اعرف ولها مني اروع الدعوات في الثلث الاخير ووعد مني من الليل وشكرا ....... :26:

فراشة عالم حوى @frash_aaalm_ho
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

According to the National Cancer Institute, the use of mobile phones could potentially pose a risk of brain cancer. However, the cell phone is a recent invention and the health risks posed by using these devices are still being studied and debated. Other risks of mobile phone use are more established. Distracted mobile phone users are more likely to be involved in accidents both in automobiles and on foot. Knowing the dangers of cell phone use can help you avoid potential problems

Overheating Handsets
Modern cell phones, especially smart phones that connect to Wi-Fi or 3G net****s, often run hotter than cellular phones a few years old. In some cases, these, and even traditional cell phones, can overheat and cause burns or fires. If your phone is too hot to touch, it may have a problem. Consult your cellular service provider if you have concerns.
Exploding Batteries
In extreme cases, cellular phone batteries can explode. There have been a number of documented cases if injury and death from exploding cell phone batteries, such as one in Korea where an excavator driver was found dead with chest injuries and an exploded cell phone in his shirt pocket. If your phone is too hot to touch or you suspect a major battery problem, have your cellular carrier check your phone.
Tumor Risks & Fears
As cell phone costs have dropped and people use cellular phones to talk for longer periods of time, concerns cancer and tumors caused by the radio transmitters in phones have grown. The best way to ensure your safety is to use a headset or hands free system. Bluetooth wireless headsets also have a radio that emits similar radiofrequency energy as a phone, but the headset emits about 1 percent of the energy of a cellular phone radio and, thus, it is much safer.
Modern cell phones, especially smart phones that connect to Wi-Fi or 3G net****s, often run hotter than cellular phones a few years old. In some cases, these, and even traditional cell phones, can overheat and cause burns or fires. If your phone is too hot to touch, it may have a problem. Consult your cellular service provider if you have concerns.
Exploding Batteries
In extreme cases, cellular phone batteries can explode. There have been a number of documented cases if injury and death from exploding cell phone batteries, such as one in Korea where an excavator driver was found dead with chest injuries and an exploded cell phone in his shirt pocket. If your phone is too hot to touch or you suspect a major battery problem, have your cellular carrier check your phone.
Tumor Risks & Fears
As cell phone costs have dropped and people use cellular phones to talk for longer periods of time, concerns cancer and tumors caused by the radio transmitters in phones have grown. The best way to ensure your safety is to use a headset or hands free system. Bluetooth wireless headsets also have a radio that emits similar radiofrequency energy as a phone, but the headset emits about 1 percent of the energy of a cellular phone radio and, thus, it is much safer.

سلام هذه بعض الاخطار بس انتي ضبطيها بشكل باراجراف يعني اعملي مقدمة و خاتمة ما ياخد منك شي جملتين حاولي
الصفحة الأخيرة
الاخطار الصحية لانها تبث اشعاعات خطرة على الصحه وضعف النظر
تؤدي الى الان الانعزال لان كل واحد يجلس في غرفته مع هالاجهزة
و يؤدي ايضا الى الكسل وقلة التفكير لان كل شي جاهز من بحوث مثلا للطلبة يعني عدم الانتاج والاتكالية