السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
اخواتي ارجوا مساعدتكن في تعديل هذه القطعه ,, لو سمحتوا اليوم ضروووي عادي تتغير بشكل كامل اهم شي المعنى يكون صحيح وتركيب الجمل و علامات الترقيم
talked about housing for student their tasks at the beginning of each semester , and provide guidance ,the definition of the list of residence , and the laws of the duties and responsibilities of students within the housing , and also includes entertainment , sport activities and a weekly excursion designed to ensure comfortable accommodation for students in a family atmosphere include education and guidance and happens , it is located near university
In fact , quit different ,stay away from the university and the lack of transport on a permanent basis , and higher for food and rent , don’t have the sport activities and also in a few rooms it is not enough for students and the lack or emergency exits

حياتي كلها باسوورد @hyaty_klha_basoord
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

السلام عليكم حياتي كلها باسوورد يعطيك العافية حاولت افهم القطعة لانها مترجمه حرفية وهذا يضيع المعنى الأصلي للقطعة ويتوه الواحد المهم مرة ثانيه حاولي تكتبيها بالعربي احسن وبعدين نترجمها حسب فهمي ضبطت القطعة و***** الله تكون صحيحة.
Housing is necessary for students.Its important to talk about it at the beginning of every semester.Students should have a list of all residence and guided to the best ones.They must know all their tasks , duties,responsibilities and the laws they have to follow within the housing.Housing must includes some entertainments, sport activities and weekly excursion.It must be designed to ensure comfortable accommodation for students in a family and educational atmosphere.It must be located near the university.
It makes difference for the students if the housing is far away from the university.Students may face some problems such as
lacking of transports and sport activities,increasing in the house rent and food price.Another problems are the number of rooms and emergency exits are not enough too.
Housing is necessary for students.Its important to talk about it at the beginning of every semester.Students should have a list of all residence and guided to the best ones.They must know all their tasks , duties,responsibilities and the laws they have to follow within the housing.Housing must includes some entertainments, sport activities and weekly excursion.It must be designed to ensure comfortable accommodation for students in a family and educational atmosphere.It must be located near the university.
It makes difference for the students if the housing is far away from the university.Students may face some problems such as
lacking of transports and sport activities,increasing in the house rent and food price.Another problems are the number of rooms and emergency exits are not enough too.

هلا اختي اسال الله ان يزيدك من محبته ويرفع قدرك
القطعه من مقطعين المقطع الاول يتكلم عن السكن في الجامعه كيف الناس تتصور العنايه فيه والخ .
الثاني حاولت اوضح فيه حقيقة السكن والفرق بينه وبين المقطع الاول ,,, اتمنى وصلت الفكره
القطعه من مقطعين المقطع الاول يتكلم عن السكن في الجامعه كيف الناس تتصور العنايه فيه والخ .
الثاني حاولت اوضح فيه حقيقة السكن والفرق بينه وبين المقطع الاول ,,, اتمنى وصلت الفكره

الصفحة الأخيرة
دانة1983 هذي الاخت رااح ان شاالله تساعدك