
greet5 @greet5

عضوة جديدة

ارجو المساعدة

الكروشيه والتريكو

هناك جاكت تريكو مع الحواف كروشية ارجو ان تساعدونى فى ترجمة الباترون
اليكم الرابط

(يمنع وضع روابط لصور نساء غير مضلله
يمكنك استخلاص الماده المفيده ثم تظليلها واعاده تنزيلها )

ولكم جزيل الشكر

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

عزيزتي انا مابعرف بالتريكو بس حبيت ارفع الموضوع
fedra fedra :
عزيزتي انا مابعرف بالتريكو بس حبيت ارفع الموضوع
عزيزتي انا مابعرف بالتريكو بس حبيت ارفع الموضوع
Using 4.5 mm double-pointed needles, cast on 8 st. Place 2 sts on the 1st needle, 4 sts on the 2nd needle, and 2 sts on the 3rd needle.
R1: Join in a round being careful not to twist the stitches. Knit into the front and the back (kf&b) of each stitch -16 st. on round, mark the beginning of the round with a stitch marker and move this up every round.
R2 and all even number rounds: Knit.
R3: K1, kf&b, repeat to end of round, making sure you do your last kf&b on each needle. (6 sts on 1st needle; 12 sts on 2nd needle; 6 sts on 3rd needle).
R5: K2, kf&b, repeat to end of round. (8 sts on 1st needle; 16 sts on 2nd needle; 8 sts on 3rd needle).
R7: K3 kf&b, repeat to end of round. (10 sts on 1st needle; 20 sts on 2nd needle; 10 sts on 3rd needle).
R9: K4 kf&b, repeat to end of round. (12 sts on 1st needle; 24 sts on 2nd needle; 12 sts on 3rd needle).
Change to circular needles when you need to. Continue increasing in this manner until you have 40 st. between increases (approxiomately 9 ½" from centre).
Next Round: knit the first set of 40 stitches and the kf&b from the round before, place the second set of 40 stitches on a holder, cast on 40 stitches using a provisional cast on - see below for provisional cast on instructions (this will be the sleeve later). Continue knitting 4 more sets of 40 stitches plus the kf&b from the previous round. Slip the next 40 stitches on a holder. Cast on 40 stitches using a provisional cast on. Knit the last 40 stitches and the kf&b from the previous round.
Continue in pattern, increasing until you have 55 stitches in each section. With 3.5mm crochet hook cast off 1 sc on each st.

Crocheted edge of Sweater:
Row 1: Ch 3 (counted as first dc), dc around outer edge of sweater (441 dc). Slip 1 stitch on the 3rd ch of ch 3.
Row 2: *Ch 4, skip 2 dc, sc in next dc*, repeat 146 times (147 arcs).
Rows 3: Slip 2 stitches on 1st and 2nd ch of the first arc. *Ch 4, sc in next arc*, repeat from * to * (147 arcs).
Rows 4 - 10: Repeat row 3 (147 arcs each row).
Row 11: Slip stitch 2 to top of arc, ch 4 (counted as 1st tr), make 6 tr in the same arc, sc 1 in next arc. *tr 7 in next arc, sc 1 in next arc.** Repeat from * to ** around sweater. Slip 1 stitch to the 4th ch of ch 4 (49 shells).
Row 12: Ch 4 (counted as 1st tr), “ch 1, tr 1 in next tr” 6 times. *sc 1 in next arc, “tr 1 in next tr, ch 1” 6 times, tr 1 in the last tr of the shell.** Repeat from * to ** . End with sc 1 in the last arc. Slip 1 stitch on the 4th ch of ch 4.
Row 13: *”Ch 4, sc1 in next ch1 space of shell,” 6 times; make bobble in st between shells.** Repeat from * to **.
Weave in the ends.

Using 4.5mm double pointed needles, pick up the 40 stitches from each side of the armhole.
Knit 10 rounds and decrease as follows: on first 2 stitches ssk, knit to the last 2 stitches in the round, knit 2 together. Continue this decrease every 10th round 4 more times. Knit straight until the sleeve measures 15 inches. With 3.5mm crochet hook cast off 1 sc on each st (70 sts.)
Row 1: ch 3 (counted as 1st dc) then dc 70 around the edge of the sleeve, increase 1dc at the center (total 72 dcs.)
Row 2: *Ch 4, skip 2 sts, sc1 in next stitch*, repeat (24 arcs).
Row 3: Slip 2 stitches on 1st and 2nd ch of the first arc. *Ch 4, sc in next arc*, repeat from * to * (24 arcs).
Row 4-20: Repeat row 2. (Final sleeve length will be 21 inches - you may increase or decrease number of repeat rows for fit)
Row 21: slip 1 stitch on the 1st ch of ch 4. Ch 4 (countd as 1st tr), make 6 tr in the same arc, sc 1 in next arc, ch 4, sc 1 in next arc. *tr 7 in next arc, sc in next arc, ch4, sc in next arc.** Repeat from * to ** around sweater. Slip 1 stitch to the 4th ch of ch 4. (8 shells)
Row 22: Ch 4 (counted as 1st tr), “ch 1, tr 1 in next tr” 6 times. *sc 1 in next arc, “tr 1 in next tr, ch 1” 6 times, tr 1 in the last tr of the shell.** Repeat from * to ** . End with sc 1 in the last arc. Slip 1 stitch on the 4th ch of ch 4.
Row 23: *Ch 4, sc in space between each tr 4 times, make bobble in st between shells*, repeat.
Weave in the ends.
Block sweater and enjoy.
Provisional cast on:
Using a crochet hook, a knitting needle, and a contrasting colour yarn, make a slip knot.
Put the crochet hook through the slip knot and hold in front of needle.
Bring yarn around the needle, from left over top of needle behind the needle then over the hook and make a stitch (the yarn around the needle is the stitch).
Repeat this until 40 stitches on the needle.
Slip these stitches onto the stitch holder.
These stitches will become the stitches for the other half of the armhole when needed.

Abbreviations: Bobble - 1) Make 4 dc in one stitch, leaving the last loop of each on the hook, 2) Yarn over and draw through all the loops on the hook, dc - double crochet, Kf&b - knit into the front and back of the stitch, sc - crochet, ssk - slip 2 sts separately to right needle as if to knit, then knit these 2 sts together by slipping left needle into them from left to right, tr - triple crochet, yo - yarn over.

Notes on Resizing:
If you look below at the pinwheel sweater laying flat, you'll see how simple its construction is. The pinwheel circle is knit from the center, outward, in 8 equal sections, to a point where you will decide to place the sleeves.

As the pattern is currently written, the sleeves occur about 9.5" from the center of the circle, when each of the 8 sections of the circle are 40 sts (about 7.25") wide, and thus, the top of each sleeve is 7.25" wide. For a smaller garment, with narrower sleeves, you would break for the sleeves sooner, and for a larger garment, with roomier sleeves, you would break for the sleeves later. As you can see, looking at the photo below, the point at which you break for the sleeves will also affect the width of your center back, between the two sleeves – breaking for the sleeves when the radius of the circle is less than 9.5" will result in a narrower center back, between the armholes, and knitting beyond the point where the radius of the circle is 9.5" will result in a wider center back.

If in doubt about where to break for the sleeves, place your circular piece of knitting on a very long circular needle, or scrap yarn, so that your circle lies flat, and hold it against the back of the intended wearer - the edges the circle should reach from underarm to underarm - when they do, you're ready to break for the sleeves.
ارجو المساعدة فى ترجمة هذا الباترون
ولكم جزيل الشكر