ازاى اترجم الباترون ده

الكروشيه والتريكو

لو سمحتم عايزة اعرف ازاى اترجم الباترون ده هل فى برنامج بيترجمه ولا بيترجم ازاى

ده جزء من الباترون

h 112; Join with a sl. st to form a ring.

Round 1: ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch 1, dc 2) in the first ch1, *skip 3 ch, DV in the next ch**. Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3. (28 DVs)
Round 2: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, (DV in the next ch 1 sp) to the end. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3. (28 DVs).
Roubd 3: Repeat Round 2.
Round 4: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as 1 dc), (dc1, ch 2, dc 2) in the same sp, *D2V in the next ch sp**. Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3. (28 D2Vs).
Round 5-6: Repeat Round 4.
Round 7: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch2 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 2, tr 7 in the next ch2 sp, ch2; *DV in the next ch2 sp, ch2, tr 7 in the next ch2 sp, ch2.** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3. (14 DVs, 14 pineapples).
Round 8: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 2, (tr 1 in the next tr, ch1) 6 times, tr1, ch2; *DV in the next ch2 sp, ch2, (tr 1 in the next tr, ch1) 6 times, tr1, ch2;, **. Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 9: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch1 sp) 5 times, ch 3; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, , (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch1 sp) 5 times, ch 3.** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 10: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 4, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 4 times, ch 4; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, ch 4, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch 3 sp) 4 times, ch 4.** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 11: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 5, sc1 in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 3 times, ch 5; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, ch 5, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 3 times, ch 5. ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 12: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 6, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 2 times, ch 6; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, ch 6, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 2 times, ch 6. ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 13: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 7, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 1 time, ch 7; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, ch 7, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 1 time, ch 7. ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 14: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, ch 3, sc 1 in the next ch 7 sp, ch 7, skip next ch3 sp, sc 1 in the next ch 7 sp, ch3; *DV in the next DVch 1 sp, ch 3, sc 1 in the next ch 7 sp, ch 7, skip next ch3 sp, sc 1 in the next ch 7 sp, ch3** Repeat from * to **, Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3
Round 15: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the first ch of the next ch 3 sp, ch 2, tr 9 in the next ch 7 sp, ch2, V in the 3rd ch of the ch3 sp; DV; *DV in the next DV ch1 sp, V in the first ch of the next ch 3 sp, ch 2, tr 9 in the next ch 7 sp, ch2, V in the 3rd ch of the ch3 sp;** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 16: Sl. St in the next dc and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next V ch 1 sp, ch 2, (tr 1 in the next tr, ch1) 8 times, (tr1, ch2, V) in the next ch2 sp; *DV in the next DV ch sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 2, (tr 1 in the next tr, ch1) 8 times, tr1, ch2, V in the next V ch sp.** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 17: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch sp) 7 times, ch 3, V in the next V ch sp; *DV in the next DV ch sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch 1 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch sp) 7 times, ch 3, V in the next V ch sp; ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 18: Sl. St in the next dc and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch sp) 7 times, ch 3, V in the next V ch sp; *DV in the next DV ch sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch sp) 7 times, ch 3, V in the next V ch sp**. Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 19: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next Vch sp, ch 5, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 5 times, ch 5, V in the next V ch sp; *DV in the next DV ch sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 5, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 5 times, ch 5, V in the next V ch sp; ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 20: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next Vch sp, ch 6, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 4 times, ch 6, V in the next V ch sp; *DV in the next DV ch sp, V in the next V ch sp, ch 6, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 4 times, ch 6, V in the next V ch sp; ** Repeat from * to **. Join with a sl. st to the top of the beginning ch3.
Round 21: Sl. St in the next dc, and the next ch1 sp, ch3 (counted as first dc), (dc1, ch1, dc2) in the same sp, V in the next ch 1 sp, ch 7, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc1 in the next ch3 sp) 3 times, ch 7, V in the next V ch

وشكرااااااااا ليكم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

عزة الرجال
عزة الرجال
معقول يا رانيا ده جزء من الباترون ربنا يعين اللى هترجم
رانيا وجيه
رانيا وجيه
معقول يا رانيا ده جزء من الباترون ربنا يعين اللى هترجم
معقول يا رانيا ده جزء من الباترون ربنا يعين اللى هترجم
هو كبير قوى الباترون الله يعينها فعلا
بس انا عايزة اتعلم ازاى اترجمه
عزة الرجال
عزة الرجال
بصى ممكن أفيدك أفادة بسيطة جدا ch أعرف أنها سلسلة , dc عمود بالنسبة للرمز dv الصراحة معرفوش بس أعتقد معناه الوحدة اللى هى 2 عمود سلسلة 2 عمود هو أنتى بتعملى أيه شال ولا جيبة
عموما أبحثى فى المنتدى عن موضوع قرأءة رموز الباترون وهتعرفى أن شاء الله تترجمى أى باترون ومنتظرة تردى عليا أذا وجدى الموضوع ولا لأ
كتير بكره الباترون المكتوب

ربنا يعينك
رانيا وجيه
رانيا وجيه
بصى ممكن أفيدك أفادة بسيطة جدا ch أعرف أنها سلسلة , dc عمود بالنسبة للرمز dv الصراحة معرفوش بس أعتقد معناه الوحدة اللى هى 2 عمود سلسلة 2 عمود هو أنتى بتعملى أيه شال ولا جيبة عموما أبحثى فى المنتدى عن موضوع قرأءة رموز الباترون وهتعرفى أن شاء الله تترجمى أى باترون ومنتظرة تردى عليا أذا وجدى الموضوع ولا لأ
بصى ممكن أفيدك أفادة بسيطة جدا ch أعرف أنها سلسلة , dc عمود بالنسبة للرمز dv الصراحة معرفوش بس...
شكرا عزة ودورت لقيت موضوع للاخت الراجية
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