Order Id (Invoice #): 345660-7031Approval Code (Auth Code): 046954Today's date: November 9, 2015Merchant Name: City of Toronto Court ServicesMerchant Location: 481 University Ave. Toronto, ON Canada M5G 2E9Merchant Phone Number: (416)338-7320Merchant ID: 45024292290 Case number: 4860-999-00-6309708Z-00Offence date: 2015/04/30 Amount paid: $503.50Paid with: VISACard number: XXXXXXXXXXXX3746 Card number not shown for your privacy.Expiry date: **/**

Please note that it may take up to three (3) business days to process your payment and update the court record, and, if applicable, five (5) business days to update Ministry of Transportation records. If your driver's licence is suspended or your vehicle plate renewal has been denied, there will be a delay (i.e. a minimum of five business days) in removing these restrictions. Contact your local Ministry of Transportation Office to reinstate your driver's licence.
Note that your payment session will end automatically if your computer is left idle for more than five minutes. Please have your offence number and credit card ready before you begin the session.
Court Services contact information.
، الحمد لله انا متوكلة على ربنا بستغفر ودعي كل يوم وفي اوقات الاستجابة ، قرات في عدة منتديات انو في ناس اخدو كلوميد بدون استشارة طبيب في لجابو توام وفي لواحد بس فانا خايفة اخدو وندم وقلت اصلي صلاه الاستخارة وتوكل على الله اذا رتحت للموضوع ، الله يخليكم من لجربت كلوميد وجابت توام بفضل الله سبحانه عيزه تجاربكم ونصائحكم وبالخصوص تدعولي ربنا يدي كل وحده لتتمناه يارب