
omhanaaa @omhanaaa

عضوة جديدة

اكبر كولكشن لبرامج الشركه العملاقة Ashampoo

الحاسب والجوال

Collection Programs Ashampoo® Release March 2011 Multilanguage | 731.27 Mb

The composition of the collection:
- Ashampoo ® Anti-Malware 1.21
- Ashampoo ® Burning Studio 1910
- Ashampoo ® Burning Studio Elements 1910
- Ashampoo ® ClipFinder HD 2.16
- Ashampoo ® Core Tuner 1.21
- Ashampoo ® FireWall Pro 1.14
- Ashampoo ® HDD Control 1.12
- Ashampoo ® Internet Accelerator 3.20
- Ashampoo ® Magical Defrag 3.0.2
- Ashampoo ® Magical Optimizer 1.22
- Ashampoo ® Magical Snap 2.51
- Ashampoo ® Movie Shrink & Burn 3.03
- Ashampoo ® Music Studio 3.51
- Ashampoo ® Office 2008 3.10
- Ashampoo ® Photo Commander 8.4.0 & 9.1.0
- Ashampoo ® Photo Optimizer 3.1
- Ashampoo ® PowerUp 3.23
- Ashampoo ® Registry Cleaner 1.0.0
- Ashampoo ® Slideshow Studio HD 2.0.1
- Ashampoo ® Snap 4.2.0
- Ashampoo ® UnInstaller 4.12
- Ashampoo ® UnInstaller Platinum 2
- Ashampoo ® WinOptimizer 7.25

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7


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