السلام عليكم
خواتي الأعزاء
اتمنى انكم تساعدوني
ايميلي تسكر كذا من غير اي شي فجأة يعني
قدمت طلب اعادة فتح بس ماصار شي
انا ابغى هالإيميل وماودي اغيره كل الناس تعرفني فيه
كيف ممكن أرجعه
بعدين هو مايحتاج تنشيط هو تسكر اساسا يعني مافي شي اسمه تنشيط
كل ماحاولت افتح تطلع لي هالرسالة
This account has been closed
Your account has been closed because it seems to have violated our Terms of Use. To re-open your account, please do the following:
1. Click on the link below and fill out the e-mail support form.
2. In the box labeled "Please select an option", choose Connections/Sign In Problem.
3. Another box will appear. It will also be labeled "Please select an option". Choose Account Closed. Access Denied.
4. Make sure you answer all the questions that have a red star (*) by them. Then click Submit.
We'll review your request and get back to you within 24 hours. Please DO NOT submit multiple tickets - it will delay how long it takes us to respond.
ياليت تساعدوني بأقرب فرصة