الاصدار الجديد لعارض الصور الشهير (((ACDSee Photo Manager 12.0 Build 342)))

الحاسب والجوال

ACDSee Photo Manager 12.0 Build 342

اصدار جديد من اشهر وأفضل برنامج مستعرض للصور بمميزات كثيرة

عرض وادارة اكثر من 100 نوع من الملفات

Software requirements:
* Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2, Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 operating system.
* Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 (7.0 or higher recommended)
* TiVo® Desktop Software - to publish images to your TiVo
* Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0c - for Microsoft DirectX file format support, and to create slide shows and screen savers
* QuickTime® 6.0 - for QuickTime file format support
* Ghostscript® 8.0 - for PDF support
* Windows Media® Player 9.0

موقع البرنامج

تحميل البرنامج + سريلات النسخة الجديدة الحجم 56.2 م.ب

رابط اخر موقع ميديا فاير

تحميل على موقع زيشير

ACDSee - the worlds #1 digital imaging software. ACDSee Photo Manager is a comprehensive application ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, and preview images and media files on your computer, and you can efficiently acquire images from digital cameras, scanners, and other devices. A full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files. You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple page images. ACDSee supports over 100 image and multimedia file formats. Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you can use to create, edit and touch-up your digital images.
Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and embos to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools, such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate, can be performed on multiple files at the same time.

The new user interface is completely customizable, and provides quick access to tools and features. You can customize the screen layout, the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to suit your preferences. ACDSee Photo Manager is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management system that everyone from novices to professionals can use and enjoy.

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