ارجو من الاخت تسنيم ان تترجم لنا الطلاسم الموجوده
وتعلمنا كيف نعمل مثل هذا الشال
ABBREVIATIONS: beg = beginning; CA, CB = Colors A, B; ch = chain; dc = double crochet; mm = millimeters; pat = pattern; rep = repeat; rnd(s) = round (s); sc = single crochet; sl = slip; sps = spaces; st(s) = stitch(es); * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
Designed by Marilyn Coleman.
Capelet directions are for Size Small/Medium; changes for Size Large/Extra Large are in parentheses.
RED HEART® “Super Saver®”, Art. E300 (6 ounce/348 yard skein): 7 (9) Ounces each No. 313 Aran CA and No. 305 Aspen Print CB.
RED HEART® “Fiesta®”, Art. E704 (6 ounce/330 yard skein): 7 (9) Ounces No. 6013 Wheat CA and RED HEART® “Super Saver®”, Art. E300 (6 ounce/348 yard skein): 7 (9) Ounces No. 305 Aspen Print CB.
Crochet Hook: 8mm .
Yarn needle.
GAUGES: 12 sts = 41/2" in pat Rows 1-5; 20 sts = 71/2" in pat Rows 16-21; 5 rnds = 4"; 8 sts = 4" in sc with double strand of yarn. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauges.
Upper Circumference (Finished): 32 (36)".
Lower Circumference: 60 (68)".
Length: 171/2".
NOTE: Work with one strand each of CA and CB held together as one throughout.
Beg at neck edge, ch 96 (108); join with a sl st in first ch to form a ring, taking care that ch is not twisted.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining,
* skip next 2 ch; 5 dc in next ch – shell made; skip next 2 ch **, sc in next ch; rep from * around, end at **; join with a sl st in first sc – 16 (18) shells.
Rnd 2: Ch 5, * skip 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 2, skip next 2 dc **, dc in sc, ch 2; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-5.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, shell in next sc, * sc in next dc, shell in next sc; rep from * around; join.
Rnds 4 and 5: Rep Rnds 2 and 3.
Rnd 6: Ch 6, * skip 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 3, skip next 2 dc **, dc in sc, ch 3; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-6.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, ch 1, shell in next sc, ch 1, * sc in dc, ch 1, shell in sc, ch 1; rep from * around; join.
Rnds 8-15: Rep Rnds 6 and 7 four more times.
Rnd 16: Ch 7, * skip 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 4, skip next 2 dc **, dc in sc, ch 4; rep from * around, end at **; join in 3rd ch of ch-7.
Rnd 17: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, ch 2, shell in next sc, ch 2, * sc in dc, ch 2, shell in sc, ch 2; rep from * around; join.
Rnds 18-21: Rep Rnds 16 and 17 twice more. Fasten off.
Neck Edging: With right side facing, attach yarn at center back neck; ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in sp, * sc in next st, sc in sp; rep from * around; join – 64 (72) sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 4, skip first 2 sc, * dc in next sc, ch 1, skip next sc; rep from * around; join to 3rd ch of ch-4.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in sp, * sc in dc, sc in sp; rep from * around; join. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Tie: Make a chain 60 (70)" long. Fasten off. Beg at center front, weave chain through the ch-1 sps of Edging Rnd 2.
Make two 11/2" diameter pom poms and attach one at each end of tie.

ام نورهان ومحمد @am_norhan_omhmd
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
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الصفحة الأخيرة
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