بنات من عندها أناشيد حلوة وخفيفة تكتبهن لي نص لأني مأعرف أحمل يعني جديدة أدري إن طلبي فية صعععععوبة لكن والله لأدعيلها وياليت من غير أمر لوتكتبولي أناشيد إنجليزية وتكون مترجمة
أدري بتقولون وشي هذي طالبة معجم :22:
لكن صدق أنا محتاجتهم الله يوفق من تكتبلي

الدانة2007 @aldan2007
عضوة نشيطة
الرجاء من عندهاأناشيد حلوة للبنات تكتبهن لي نص وياليت لو إنجليزية تكفن يابنات مطلوب
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
سويت لك بحث تفضلي : لاتنسين تدعين لي
O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow
His door is open no matter who you are
Just take the first step, you'll see it's not so far
Down this road that holds all the answers
Open you heart to something greater
His Holy Book speaks pure and true
And always tells us what we must do
His last Prophet was sent as a guide
An example by which we abide
There is salvation for those who seek
To find the one and only source of Peace
An understanding of why we are here
Who created us, who we must fear
O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow
Such different people from different lands
We're all descendants of the first Man
We can be one nation facing one God
With no hatred, no envy, no war
Created Equal are you and I
Which of His favours can we ever Deny
We may everything or nothing at all
But our purpose lies with this call
To worship him, to praise him all day
Onto the straight path, let's not go astray
He is the Greatest and most Merciful
And everything acts upon His Will
O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow
Like every sunrise that brings forth each day
Brings new meaning, New Hope, a new way
Such is the Blessing bestowed upon us
Every hardship and heartache will pass
From the Mountains to the Deep blue sea
Everything in perfect Harmony
And as the stars fill the evening sky
Without us sensing, life is passing by
So if you want a solution, my friend
Seize this Moment, this Day before it ends
Turn to him, Don't you see it's so clear
Believe in Allah, He's always near
O what a wonderful world this would be
If we all open our eyes to see
He is all that we need right now
And we can all come together somewhere...somehow
Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn
To the angels he commanded that man be respected
Shaytaan heeded not and so was he rejected
Compared to the angels we are but clay
As long as Allah we obey, we'll not go astray
As the best of his creation only us did he deem
This for us is honour this high esteem
His qudrat it is that cause winds to blow
He gives us provision so that we may grow
Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn
To lead man astray, shaytaan made a vow
None can mislead us if to Allah we bow
It's a task to be free from shaytaan's treachery
Iman is our weapon, it's Allah's mercy
Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn
Allah is our creator, he gave us dignity
We face evil each day, in him there is serenity
At the time appointed the world shall perish
Hope for hereafter's success is what we cherish
To show the way he sent prophets to guide
Life may be pleasant, his laws we must abide
Muhammed was the last, rahmatullil-aalameen
Through him Allah sent al-qur'aan al-mubeen
Which of Allah's favours can we deny?
Above all creatures, he chose us to be high
To him we belong, to hime is our return
Life in this world is only sojourn
Whisper of Peace
Dawud Wharnsby Ali
A whisper of peace
Moving through the land,
Allah will surely run to us
If we hold out our hand,
A word of hope
A call to every woman and man,
A light until the end of time
This is al-Islam
Sometimes when the world's not on your side
You don't know where to run to
You dont know where to hide
You gaze at the stars in the sky
At the mountains so high
Through the tears in your eyes
Looking for a reason to replace what is gone
Just remember, remember
That you are never alone
You are never alone
Just reach into your heart and Allah is always there
You are never alone
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You will never be alone
So now, as you long for your past
Prepare for you future
But knowing nothing's gonna last
You see, this life is but a road
A straight and narrow path
To our final abode
So travel well O Muslim
and Paradise will be your home
and always remember that you are never alone
You are never alone
Just reach into your heart and Allah is always there
You are never alone
Through sorrow and through grief
Through happiness and peace
You will never be alone
Animals Love to Hear
There was a chipmunk climbing up a tree,
I stopped to look at him and he stopped to look at me.
When I said “hello”, he didn’t understand and he went to run away,
I recited from Qur’an and he decided to stay
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah created animals, Allah created Man
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Sitting at the window to ponder at the sky,
I saw a little bird as it flew by.
I recited from Qur’an and it wasn’t very long
’til the bird sat near my window and it started to sing along.
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah made the chipmunks and the birds, Allah created Man,
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Playing in the yard on a warm, sunny day
A shy little kitten watched me play.
I bent down to pat her on the head but I think she was scared of me,
I recited from Qur’an, she smiled and brushed against my knee
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah made the chipmunks, birds and cats, Allah created Man
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah created animals, Allah is Ar-Rahman
and sent a book to guide us all
Even animals love Qur`an.
Allah made horses and dogs and bats and camels and gnats,
and pigs and cows and spiders and chickens and elephants and crocodiles,
and dolphins and monkeys and beaver and sheep and lions and zebras and whales and
emu and…
Hey! Hey! What’s an emu?
I don’t know!!
...But even animals love Qur’an!
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