
وداايم @odaaym

عضوة جديدة

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته....

اللغة الأنجليزية

االسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ......

اريد خدمه منكم واريد احد يساعدني ولا بروح فيها....

عندي بروجكت عن ايجابيات الهواتف النقاله ......

واريد كم جمله وافكارعن ايجابيات الهواتف النقاله .....

بنات ارجوكن لا تتجاهلن الموضوع والله انه عليه 20 درجه ولازم اكتب 250 كلمه في البروجكت....

وهذا بروجكت ...The mobile phone is a popular new invention.It seems that every where one looks, people are constantly talking on their mobile phones. Many people think that this is a positive aspect(part of) of our lifestyle. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

أختكن وداايم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

أنا أفضل تدخلين الGoogle وتسوين بحث. ثم لخصي بنفسك لمصلحتك
الله يوفقك
تعرفين مره كتبت عن الأكل الصحي 300 كلمه للمعلمه موضوع كامل وخليت بنات يشوفونه بس المعلمه حطتلي 12من 20 الصراحه تعبت واااايد عليه لاني اصل مش شاطره في الانجليزي وااااايد .....

الحين بنات اريدكن تساعدني ولا تبخلن عليه والله العظيم صدق محتاجه من كل قلبي لانه هذا فيه نجاح ورسوب......وانا الاول راسبه فيه ولا عندي خوات يساعدوني فيه انتم خواتي فياريت تساعدوني والله ما بنسى جميلكم .....

اختكم واايم...
وينكم يا خواتي ليش ما تساعدوني.............

حرام عليكم والله اني محتاجه....
ام لالي
ام لالي
small paragraph

Many people think that it is not a good idea to carry mobile phones with them. There are many reasons for this, here are just a few. There are many worries about how safe mobile phones are to people’s health. There have been complaints of headaches, loss of concentration, skin tingling, burning, or twitching, eye tics, short-term memory loss, buzzing in the head at night and other effects. Although this has not been proved. An electronics expert has claimed that some people who use mobile phones a lot have begun to develop cancer. The Government is conscious that the use of mobile phones in or near hospitals could perhaps interfere with sensitive equipment; this is because of the RF radiation.
ام لالي
ام لالي
Millions of people own a mobile phone these days, and ever since they have been around scientists question the fact of they are safe or not. Do they cause tumors, earaches, mercury poisoning? All these health risks are mentioned in every article I found. But nowhere could I find anything that was sure if mobiles did cause all of the above. This is where science fails us. The problem is that mobile phones are still too new to know the long-term effects on human. Mobile phones give of a radiation of radio frequency round 10MHz to 300Ghz. But so do other appliances. Why does mobiles especially get put in the picture of being hazardous? Soon it will be clear whether the radio frequency emissions from mobiles cause health effect.