
ولــه.. @olh_39

عضوة نشيطة

السمري جنني .. help me

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ..

السمري يابنات ياعالم مررررررررررره يرفع الضغط وما اعرف كيف ؟!!

احاول ويطلع غلط:06:

ابيكم تفهموني وتساعدوني في تلخيص البرقراف بناات رجيتكم :(

ولها دعوه عند الكعبه ..

Summarize the following passage, make sure that you follow the correct rules of summarizing:

The role of computers in the development of a young child has been a widely controversial topic for decades, and both parents and educators have put forth both concerns about the potential benefits as well as harms to young children. Critics argue that introducing technology in schools only wastes money and time, and that instead children should be allowed to develop essential learning and social skills through interaction with other students. On the other hand, proponents to the idea suggest that children should take advantage of the newest technologies and that children should learn to how to become adept at utilizing such technologies as a means to further their success in their eventual entering of the ****force. There are also some concerns that the most modern technologies are not being optimized and utilized in the best way possible.
Both critics and proponents of computers in the classroom agree that the early, formative years of any child are when physical, social-emotional, language, and cognitive skills are acquired. Perhaps the most researched area of development in relation to computer use has been that of cognitive development and the affect that modern technology has on a child’s mind. Are computers being used properly to enhance and hasten a child’s cognitive development, or are they inhibiting intellectual growth? Can technology support the specific needs of children, or does it take away from essential developmental experiences?
Both critics and proponents of computers in the classroom agree that the early, formative years of any child are when physical, social-emotional, language, and cognitive skills are acquired. Perhaps the most researched area of development in relation to computer use has been that of cognitive development and the affect that modern technology has on a child’s mind. Are computers being used properly to enhance and hasten a child’s cognitive development, or are they inhibiting intellectual growth? Can technology support the specific needs of children, or does it take away from essential developmental experiences?
Recent research on brain development has focused on the capabilities of young children, the stages and styles of learning, and social-emotional development. Such research has showed that although children may lack knowledge and experience, they have ample reasoning ability. Given appropriate stimuli, such as close interaction with caring adults and engaging hands-on activities, most children have been shown to dramatically improve their mental developmental skills. A study by the National Research Council found that early learning is assisted by the supportive context of the family and the social environment, through the kinds of activities in which adults engage with children. Researchers have attempted to apply the developmental theories of Piaget to children’s computer usage. In considering the Piagetian tasks of classifying and categorization, researchers have made several interesting observations about computers and cognitive development. For example, it has been suggested that a child sorting grocery items in the kitchen is a sign of mental development.

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