ابغى محادثة بالانجليزي بين خمس اشخاص يتكلمون عن هوياتهم ومغامراتهم في العطله
ياليت تكون الجمل بسيطه
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مشاعل 4
حبيبتي ممكن اساعدك بس وضحي اكثر

خمسة اشخاص جالسين مع بعض يسألون بعض ماذا فعلت في العطله اين ذهبت ماذا تحب ماهي هوايتك المفضلة يعني سوالف

مشاعل 4
khaled: how are you guys
Bader: we are fine, what about you
Nasser: I have heard you have been to London
Nasser: i wish i could have couple of days vacation to relax
Abdullah: i am planning to go to the Eastern province next week, anybody wants to join
Rakan: yes me, i want to go for swimming and anjoy the sea
Bader: we are fine, what about you
Nasser: I have heard you have been to London
Nasser: i wish i could have couple of days vacation to relax
Abdullah: i am planning to go to the Eastern province next week, anybody wants to join
Rakan: yes me, i want to go for swimming and anjoy the sea

الصفحة الأخيرة