كيفكم حوائيات
قبل فتره لقيت توقيع عضوه مررره رهيب
الله يجعله في موازين حسناتها
كانت تبغ احد يترجمه لها باللغه الانقليزيه وتنشره للغرب
وحاولت المستحيل حتى قدرت اترجمه لها
بس للاسف نسيت اسم العضوه ودورت في عدت مواضيع قلت امكن ترد فيها مالقيتها قلت امكن هدي الطريقه تنفع
واي وحده يجزاها ربي تعرفها تدلها على هدا الموضوع

الترجمه >
We always ask why
When a jewish man grows his beard they see him as a believer exercising the full freedom of practicing religious ritual
But when a Muslim grows his beard they see him as an extremist and terrorist!
When a nun wears clothes that cover her from head to toe they consider her a woman of faith and had sacreficed herself to serve the Lord
But when a Muslim woman wears a headscarf she is considered backward
When Western women stays home to care for her children and her family. she is considered a great woman to sacrifice her life for her family and her
But when a Muslim women does with complete confidence, they demand that she is freed of backwardness and slavery imposed by Islam
When any (free) girl goes to university anywhere in the world, she can wear anything she want modest or not
But when a Muslim girl wears a headscarf at a university she is prevented from entering the university! Under the pretext of violating the appearance of civilization of the campus
When any child in the world focuses their attention on any topic (sports, music, etc. ...) he's considere a rational and mature child
But when his religion is the point of interests. They see it as a failure and lost
When they accuse anyone in the world of committing murder they do not mention any religion (Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc. ...)
But when Muslim is charged with murder, Islam is placed directly in the dock!
when any person sacrifice himself to save the lives of others he's considere as a a brave and a gentleman
But when a palestinian father tries to save his son and brother from murder or torture and his mother and sister from rape and displacement and to protect his home from destruction and the mosque from violation; he is considered a terrorist why?
Because he is first and foremost
a Muslim
When we are faced with any problem we can accept any solution other than Islam, even if it is the best solution
When a person is driving a good car incorrectly resulting in a terrible accident, no one blames the car
But when a Muslim makes any mistake toward others usually people say (Islam is the reason) without learning the concept of Islam and its teachings
Why do people believe the stupidities and lies, newspapers and forget what the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet peace be upon him have taught them