الســــلام عليـــكم ورحــمة الـــلــه وبركــــــاتو :
بـــــنات ابغـــــا منـــــــكم
تكتبون لي موضوع (بالانجـــليزي ) فية خمس مصطلحات طبية
اي موضوع اهم شي فية مصطلحات طبية الخمس
1.abdomen ( بطن )
2. stomach (معدة )
3. liver (كبدة )
4. kidney ( كلي )
5. intestines ( امعاء )
مثل :- البطن يوجد فية الكبد ...تتكلمين كانك تعبرين او تشرحين
او تتكلمين عن الجهاز الهضمي ،،،،
عن الجهاز البولي ....
اي مصطلحات طبية اخرى
اهم شي فيها خمس مصصلحات
ومتناسقة مع بعض..
ابغا الموضوع قبل يوم الاحد
اتمنى القاء ردود منكم :26:
الكبير كبير @alkbyr_kbyr
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
The human stomach is located beneath the diaphragm, through which the posterior, terminal end of the esophagus passes. The stomach appears as a dilated tube continuous with the distal end of the esophagus. The upper curvature of the stomach is usually above and to the left of the esophageal orifice. This expanded anterior portion is the fundus and is commonly filled with air or gas. The body (corpus) of the stomach is directed toward the attenuated right extremity or pyloric region and is subject to variations in size and shape, depending upon functional activities, habits, disease, and volume of the contents. The pyloric walls are marked by the heavy sphincter muscle which controls the passage of chyme (a semiliquid fluid produced by the mechanical and chemical changes of preliminary digestion) into the duodenum.
The stomach of vertebrates is lined by a mucous membrane that is usually thrown into longitudinal folds called rugae. Most of the surface is covered with mucus-secreting epithelial cells, but scattered throughout the lining are many small glandular pits which are lined with one or more types of secretory cells.
ان شاء الله يفيدك
The stomach of vertebrates is lined by a mucous membrane that is usually thrown into longitudinal folds called rugae. Most of the surface is covered with mucus-secreting epithelial cells, but scattered throughout the lining are many small glandular pits which are lined with one or more types of secretory cells.
ان شاء الله يفيدك
الصفحة الأخيرة
وأي سؤال راسليني
اتمنى لك التوفيق...