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A baseball playerhits a ball,above.Baseball is one ofNorth America'sfavorite sports.AT THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAYBecause the United States is a nation of people frommany different countries and cultures,it is consideredimportant to build loyalty and national pride.At thestart of every school day,many schoolchildren stand infront of a U.S.flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance totheir country.The pledge is believed to have been written byFrancis Bellamy (1855–1931),an American clergyman and editor.It was first recited in 1892 as part of the celebrations for the400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s landing in America.The Pledge has been slightly changed since then and today issaid as follows:I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the UnitedStates of America and to the Republic for which it stands,oneNation under God,indivisible with liberty andjustice for all.EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS • 33American schoolchildren,hands on hearts,face the U.S.flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.Watching TV is afavorite Americanpastime.Health,Well-Being,and SurvivalWith the popularity of fast andconvenient food,the American diethas become high in sugary and fattyfoods.As a result,large numbers ofAmericans are obese.In recent years,however,more Americans haveturned to low-fat foods.Many alsotake exercise seriously,jogging inthe park,exercising at home,orgoing to a gym.Many Americansand Canadians are members ofsports clubs or teams,which makestaying healthy and fit fun.AT THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAYAt Home In many American homes,entertainmentcenters on the TV.Gathering together towatch a special program or sports event is acommon family activity.Often viewers alsoenjoy an array of tasty snacks.Cycling is a popularNorth Americansport.Special eventssuch as bike ralliesand races to raisemoney for charityencourage thishealthy habit.Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada.Thefirst game was played in Canada in the late 1800’s.The long Canadian winters provide many icy fieldsand lakes for hockey lovers.