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American TraditionsThepeoples of the United States and Canada havemuch in common.They share their history ofbuilding a North American society with its roots inEurope.Early European settlers laid many of thefoundations for North American culture.Immigration of people from all over the world isstill shaping culture in North America today.Yetdespite their similar history,there aredifferences between the United States andCanada.English is the national language in the UnitedStates,whileCanada is a dual-language nationwithbothEnglish- and French-speakingregions.Etiquette,Greetings,and Formsof AddressWhen people in the United States andCanada meet for the first time,theyusually shake hands.Male friendsshake hands when they meet or theymay embrace.Female friends mayexchange a kiss on the cheek.The“high-five”gesture,originally agreeting used by sports players in theUnited States to congratulateteammates who scored in a match,isnow used around the world.It is ajoyful greeting or a sign of victory.Food Preparation andMealtimesBecause North America is home topeople from around the world,Canadians and Americans enjoy ahuge variety of foods.Maple syrupmade from the sap of maple trees andused by the native people before thearrival of European settlers,is just oneoriginal American treat.Mexicanburritos and salsa are as common ashamburgers and fries.Americans lovetheir coffee,and the United States isthe largest consumer of coffee beansin the world.Every morning andafternoon,millions of people stop fora few minutes to enjoy a cup ofcoffee.Americans drink about 400million cups of coffee each day!The continents ofNorth America andSouth America make up theWestern Hemisphere.NorthAmerica contains Canada,Greenland,the United States,Mexico,Central America,andthe Caribbean Sea islands.South America containsArgentina,Bolivia,Brazil (whichoccupies almost half thecontinent),Chile,Colombia,Ecuador,French Guiana,Guyana,Paraguay,Peru,Suriname,Uruguay,and Venezuela.THE AMERICASTwo boys greet each other with a “high-five.”They slap theirpalms together while holding their forearms raised.The red maple leaf isCanada’s symbol andappears on the nation’sflag.Canada is the world’sgreatest producer ofmaple syrup.
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A baseball playerhits a ball,above.Baseball is one ofNorth America'sfavorite sports.AT THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAYBecause the United States is a nation of people frommany different countries and cultures,it is consideredimportant to build loyalty and national pride.At thestart of every school day,many schoolchildren stand infront of a U.S.flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance totheir country.The pledge is believed to have been written byFrancis Bellamy (1855–1931),an American clergyman and editor.It was first recited in 1892 as part of the celebrations for the400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s landing in America.The Pledge has been slightly changed since then and today issaid as follows:I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the UnitedStates of America and to the Republic for which it stands,oneNation under God,indivisible with liberty andjustice for all.EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS • 33American schoolchildren,hands on hearts,face the U.S.flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.Watching TV is afavorite Americanpastime.Health,Well-Being,and SurvivalWith the popularity of fast andconvenient food,the American diethas become high in sugary and fattyfoods.As a result,large numbers ofAmericans are obese.In recent years,however,more Americans haveturned to low-fat foods.Many alsotake exercise seriously,jogging inthe park,exercising at home,orgoing to a gym.Many Americansand Canadians are members ofsports clubs or teams,which makestaying healthy and fit fun.AT THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAYAt Home In many American homes,entertainmentcenters on the TV.Gathering together towatch a special program or sports event is acommon family activity.Often viewers alsoenjoy an array of tasty snacks.Cycling is a popularNorth Americansport.Special eventssuch as bike ralliesand races to raisemoney for charityencourage thishealthy habit.Ice hockey is the most popular sport in Canada.Thefirst game was played in Canada in the late 1800’s.The long Canadian winters provide many icy fieldsand lakes for hockey lovers.
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