الفزعه يابنات حوااااااااااااء

اللغة الأنجليزية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أخواتي الكريمات :27:

واللي يسعدكم اللي عندها معلومات عن الكاتب STANLEY HOUGHTON

مو كثير بس معلومات عامة مثل ولادته واهم مؤلفاته ووفاته :(

ولكم مني الدعاااااااااااااء

مع خالص شكري وتقديري,,,

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

اتفضلى يا عبير الوووووووورد
Houghton, William Stanley, 1881–1913, English dramatist. He was (1907–12) a critic for the Manchester Guardian. His plays, greatly influenced by Ibsen, include The Dear Departed (1908), The Younger Generation (1910), and his best work, Hindle Wakes (1912). He was one of the best of a group of realistic playwrights often called the Manchester school.

Stanley Houghton was born at Ashton-upon-Mersey, in 1881. In 1897 he entered his father's office in Manchester, where he worked until 1912, as a salesman. The success of the production of Hindle Wakes that year led him to forsake the security of business for the uncertainties of a dramatist's existence. In 1913 he went to Paris, fell ill, recovered, returned to London in June. On his return to Paris, on the way to Venice, he fell ill again. After an attack of influenza and appendicitis, in Italy, he was brought to Manchester, where, in December, he died.

At the time of his death Houghton was one of the most promising of the younger generation of British dramatists. While it is true that Hindle Wakes is his finest achievement, his other plays -- Independent Means and The Younger Generation especially -- are by no means negligible. Houghton was seeking for liberty of thought, rather than liberty of dramatic form, but he never distorted that form for the sake of the idea. He had a distinct sense of the theater, a remarkable gift for dialogue, and keen insight into human character.
عبيـــر الووورد
أختي الحبيبة :SO3
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ويحقق كل ماتتمنيه في الدنيا والآخرة 00
وأنا تحت الخدمة في أي شيء تحتاجينه
أختكِ : عبيـــر الووورد