الفزعه يابنات ساعدوني ابي انجح .. بكره آخر موعد للتسليم

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم

بنات بدخل عالموضوع على طول
بس تكفوووووووون ساعدوني
منجد محتاجتكم
و لاتقولون اهمال او كسل مني
بس فعلا انا مرررررررة ميح بالانقلش
و عايده هالماده
و مابي اعيدها مرة ثانيه
جبت في الاختبار 9 من 30
مع اني ذاكرت بس مدري ليه حظيي كذا مع الانقلش
المهم الدكتور قال فرصتكم بذا الموضوع
و اعطانا موضوع يبينا نكتب عن التلفزيون و سلبياته و ايجابياته
يعني كل شئ عنه
و قال بيساعدكم في الي ماجابت زي في درجه الاختبار القبلاني

و بكره اخر يوم للتسليم و انا منجد متوهقه
ابي انجح

كتبت موضوع بسيط بالعربي
مع انو اللغه العربيه رايحه وطي فيها >>لاهي فالحه لا بعربي و لا انجليزي :(

و حاسه الموضوع مرة قصير بس منجد عصرت مخي و مني محصله هرج اكتر

ياليت الي تقدر تساعدني سواء بعربي او انقلش لا تبخل علي
وربي يحقق امانيها و يوفقها يارب

هذا هو الموضوع

هذي جمله لقيتها بموقع و عجبتني ابغى احطها بالموضوع بس ماعرفت وين احطها

((حديث عن التأثيرات التي تحدثها تجربة المشاهدة التلفزيونية في الأطفال وما يترتب على هذه التأثيرات من نتائج تتجاوز الطفل إلى الأسرة والمدرسة والمجتمع والمستقبل، وتمتد من الأسر الحالية إلى أسر سيكتب لها وجود في بنية المجتمع بعد سنوات، فهؤلاء الأطفال سيصبحون آباء فيما بعد.))

و هذا الي انا كتبته ادري انه تنقيع

التلفاز سلاح ذو حدين , يجب علينا استخدامه بالطريقه الصحيحة حتى نجني منه فائده ولا نتضرر منه
لو تحدثنا عن التلفاز لاطال الحديث و حديث كهذا لا نهاية له , لتعدد الاراء و تعدد الآثار و نتائجه سواء كانت سلبيه ام اجابيه
و لم يقتصر تاثير التلفاز على الكبار فقط , فقد تجاوز خطوطه الحمراء ووصل الى المنطقه المحظورة الا و هي الاطفال

لتلفاز لما فيه من ايجابيات الا انه مليئ بالسلبيات
فمن ايجابياته اتصالنا باخبار العالم
و معرفتنا لما يجري على اراضي بقيه العالم
فهو وسيله اتصال اخباري رائع
و من ايجابياته يضا البرنامج الدينه التي اصبحت تكاد تنقرض من قلتها في الاونه الاخيره
و ايضا بعض البرامج الثقافيه القليله جدا
و بعض برامج الاطفال التي تهتم في تنميه فكر الطفل و تنشئته التنشئه الصحيحه لما يحاول ايصاله للطفل من قيم و افكار و عبر
و بعد هذي الجوله البسيطه في عالم الايجابيات
ننتقل لعالم آخر اكثر اتساعا و هو عالم السلبيات
فقط كثرت سلبيات التلفاز في الاونه الاخيره
فقد تدهور الاعلام العربي بتحريض من المجتمع الغربي
فلم يكتفي اعداء الاسلام محاربتنا بالاسحله
فقد توجهوا لاسحله اقوى و مبيده اكثر من القنابل و الصواريخ
الا و هو محاربه العقل
فاقتحموا اعلامنا العربي الاسلامي
وو دمروا عقول المجتمع العربي
فاصبح التلفاز العربي الان لا يهتم الا بالبرامج التافهه و الافلام التي لا فائده منها و المدمره لعقول شبابنا
فبدء محاربتهم لنا كانت عندما استهدفوا عقول الشباب ببرامجهم
كي يبيدوا عقولهم و يميتوا شعورهم و احساسهم و غيرتهم على الاسلام بانشغالهم بهذه البرامج التافهه
و عندما كسبوا الشباب في صفهم
ذهبوا لشريحه من المجتمع لا تقل اهميه عن الشريحه السابقه
بل هم اكثر اهميه منها
الا و هم الاطفال
دخلوا الي عقولهم بطريقه سهله بعيده كل البعد عن البراءه
قتلوا في اطفالنا البرائه قتلوا في آباء و امهات المستقبل الحب و السلام
زرعوا فيهم الانانيه و حب السيطره و العداوة
فلا يغركم البرامج الي تحمل مسمى (افلام كرتون) او برامج الاطفال
فهي اسلحه لدمار عقولهم و لدمار الامه متخفيه تحت هذا المسمى
اصبح اطفالنا مدمنون على التلفاز
فقدوا متعه اللعب و متعه القراءه
اصحبوا جثث لاحراك لها عند مشاهده أي برنامج تلفزيون
لا تتزحزح من امام التلفاز الا للنوم
حتى الطعام اصبح اخر اهتماماتهم فلا يستطيعون الاستمتاع به خوفا من فوات البرنامج عليهم
انقطع حبل الوصل بين الاهل و الاطفال
فكل فرد في الاسره لاهيا في برامجه

اصبح المجتمع الاسلامي مشتت
و هذا كله بسبب التلفاز

لقد بدأت اشك ان للتلفاز محاسن لمن رايته من سلبيات
فقط غطت سلبيات التلفاز على كثير من ايجابياته))

مرررررررة قصير الموضوع
هو يبي ورقه طباعه تكون مليانه

عالعموم يابنات ساعدوني باي شئ الله يخليكم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

I love my husband
I love my husband
اختي هذا مقال يتحدث عن التلفاز
اقرائيه ورتبيه واختاري منه اللي يناسب موضوعك
ان شاء الله اكون ساعدتك
How will Interactive Television affect the family?

Impacts on Children

ITV can have some serious impacts on your children. There has been much debate about the amount of violence and adult material on television. ITV, with its internet connections and many specialty channels, can present more of this material to our children. Specialty adult channels can show adult programmes up to 24 hours a day. If children get access to these, it can have an adverse effect on them. Through the internet, children can see and read such material easily.

How can you prevent your children from laying their eyes on these items? We have seen how censorship is difficult to achieve in ITV. You can teach children about what is wrong to see and what is not. Alternatively, there is a device under development which will filter out material unsuitable for children from ITV programmes.

Impacts on communication

Interactive television is going to make available the communication services provided by the internet. One such service is electronic mail. It can be sent anywhere within a short period of time. Contacts between friends and relatives can be kept easily.

The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) acts like a hotline where your family can join and talk to other people with common interests. You can talk about various topics ranging from religion to tips on winning video games. There are also discussion groups where sensitive issues such as abortion and political problems can be brought up. Family members who cannot talk to their families directly can get advice from the discussion groups.

One should be aware of the friends that they make on IRC or the discussion groups. It is easy to fake one's identity on the internet. People take on a different identity to make themselves more popular, or to satisfy some feelings which they cannot recieve in the real world. Of course, there are some who take on a different identity for fun, with no intention of doing harm. Butt there are poeple who change their identity to cause harm to others. We should therefore not take IRC too seriously.

There are dangers associated with the communication services mentioned above. Some discussion groups may discuss about adult material which is not suitable for children. Some may be spreading race hate propaganda. Newsgroups exist for people to post and obtain information on certain topics. Some internet users set up newsgroups for the sake of stirring up anti-racial feelings, or to post articles with adult material. These newsgroups can be accessed easily, and could affect your family. Again, there is little the government can do about censorship. It is up to proper guidance to minimise the effects of these material. The internet presents certain bad elements in society an alternative to to carry out their wicked trade. Web-stalkers can follow a person through the internet. They can defame a person by posting false stories on the newsgroups, or sending offensive email to the victim. As said earlier it is easy to hide one's identity on the internet. Children can also face harm. Adult material can be sent easily through email. Some adults may even pose as children, befriending other children on the internet, and then asking them out.

The erosion of privacy

There is a fear that interactive television could lead to a loss of privacy. In home shopping, the company providing the service has to record your credit card details to make a transaction. These details can include information about your family and your buying habits. With this information, the company will know your income, your preferences and can start sending you advertisements through emails and pamphlets regarding products which you may or may not need. Even governments try to obtain such data to check for possible cases of espionage, or just to do a survey on habits of the citizens.

There are other people who may be interested in information, such as your television viewing hours, when your television is switched off etc. Hackers can find out about your family as well as your viewing habits and other personal details. Even your email can be intercepted. Intimate matters and secrets can be made known to strangers. With such information, people can harrass you on the internet, and criminals can harm you and your property.

To prevent the evasion of privacy, encryption is used to protect data. Email is encrypted before sending, and data regarding your family is encrypted as well. Only people who legally have a right to view these material can have the knowledge of decryption. However, smart hackers can also have the abilty to decrypt your data. And decryption does not prevent Home Shopping companies from obtaining information about you.

<H2>What lies ahead for Interactive Television?</H2>

Our Thoughts of The Future

What is the future for interactive television? With the advent of newer technologies, our programmes and applications can become more interactive. The television may not be what it used to be. Instead of a flat screen version, we may have a 3-d television, where you can view a programme at any angle you like, at a size you prefer. ITV would mean more than just being able to see and hear. Through sensory equipment, we may be able to touch, smell and even taste through ITV.

Virtual reality can play a vital role in the future of ITV. We can participate in virtual reality games in our homes. We can "go" to places, not just read about them. In education, we can participate in active learning through virtual worlds. We can take part in historic battles, or find out how a blood cell travels in the human body.

There is great potential for the development of ITV. We are not certain what the future holds for ITV, but some are certain that ITV will not merge with PCs. One of these is Bill Gates, who felt that PCs and TVs will not merge because of their different uses and technology :

"....the form and function of communications appliances such as TVs, computers and telephones will tend to remain distinct-because we use the tools in different ways."

His views are shared by Jerry McCarthy, president of Zenith Sales Company:

"Television sets and computers will never become one unit. Sure, there will be more interactivity in television sets...... But we look at interactivity that complements TV viewing rather than supplants it."


<H4>ITV is going to change the way we watch television. We have seen the services which are offered by ITV. These services are interactive, allowing the viewer to communicate, not only by receiving signals, but by the ability to send signals as well. This two way communication allows us to have services like video on demand, Distance Learning and Home Shopping. Internet access makes it possible for us to send emails, join in discussion groups on the internet, and to search for information.

Knowledge of the equipment required for ITV is necessary for the family. They should understand which components they would require for a particular type of application. Distance learning, for example would require more equipment than Video on demand. Knowledge of legal issues is also important if you do not want to be sued.

The divisions between ITV and PCs were briefly discussed. We feel that the main difference between these two technologies lies in the type of uses. It seems that ITV is more for entertainment, whereas PCs can be used for running programs. What you choose reflects what applications you want.

A major topic presented here is that of impacts of ITV on the family. Currently, the average person spends about 20 hours a week watching television . Through ITV, we can do many things in our own homes, such as Home Shopping and Distance learning. This, together with the availability of more TV channels and Video on Demand, is going to make the number of hours we spend in front of the television much longer. We believe this could lead to families exercising less, and spending most of their time watching television. This can affect the health of your family members.

If families spend too much time in front of televisions, families may isolate themselves from the rest of the community. This could lead to the breakdown of society - where neighbours do not know one another, and seldom see one another. Even within the families, erosion of family bonding can take place. If each member of the family has access to his or her own ITV, they may spend more time on these machines instead of interacting with one another.

The power of communication through ITV cannot be underestimated. It is possible that IRC, Discussion groups and email can present new dangers to us and our children, as seen above. These dangers include web stalking, harassement, defamation and spread of offensive material. However, we strongly feel that communication through ITV can help us reach other people around the world. This is particularly useful for people who are handicapped. Through ITV, these people can interact with other people without leaving their beds. They can make friends, find out information which they require, at the click of a button. They can buy their groceries through Home shopping. In the past, these people were isolated from the world, unable to make any contact except through the window or the occasional walk out of their beds. Through ITV, they can be part of the community again.

Earlier, we mentioned that through ITV, families may spend more time in front of the TV set and less time outside their houses. Some may say that this could lead to a breakdown of society, where families isolate themselves from the rest of the community. We feel that this is not the case. Through ITV, we can still maintain contacts with our friends and neighbours. The use of email and irc makes this possible. Electronic community meetings can help to maintain relationships between community members.

Another topic discussed here concerns the type of material on ITV. One should be aware of the powers of the government concerning censorship. Since there is little the government can do, it is up to parents to teach children.

So what does the future hold for ITV. As mentioned above, we are not certain of the actual developments that might take place. But we believe that it will head in the direction of developing more interactive forms of television viewing. Features like VOD and Distance learning will still be present, except with greater interactivity. The impacts on ITV on your family is going to be great. As ITV develops, and becomes more well defined, you can expect more families to install interactive television into their homes. Your family should be aware of the uses, equipment, legal issues and how ITV will affect you. If you have such knowlege, your family can harness the power of ITV to serve them well. It will provide a new world of communication and entertainment for your family.


I love my husband
I love my husband
اذا عندك اي سؤال اسألي
ام شوشه منكوشه
يسلمووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ياقلبي
تسلمين والله ماتقصرين
الله يجزاكي الف خير

منجد اعجز عن شكرك