السلام عليكم
كيفكم ياصبايا المنتدى
بصراحة أنا عندي مشكلة كبيرة وترددت في طرحها كثير لكن بعد ماشفوت النتائج مو مرة حلوة قلت لازم أدور على حل :(
وقلت مافي غير بنات عالم حواء راح يساعدوني
المشكلة تتلخص في أنا طالبة في قسم لغة إنجليزية في الجامعة وأدرس مواد الكتابة
والقراءة والقواعد لكن المشكلة تكمن في أنا أذاكر بإجتهاد بس مافي نتيجة
وأتمنى تقولولي على طريقة أطور فيها لغتي وكتابتي في هذه المادة وأتعمق فيها أكثر
وأن أجيد التحدث فيها بطلاقة
أرجو أنكم ماتبخلوا علي بنصائحكم وجزيتم خيرا
سبحان الله وبحمده ...... سبحان الله العظيم
NaNaa @nanaa
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
my advice to you is to set yourself a time in other words study english for 30 mintues whether writing or reading and speaking. thats first try to make fun. it did work with me. i feel everyday i have to do it don't think becuase i have too. no .cuz everday i'm learning
something new so here is the website so it will help u more in speaking and reading go to www. talkenglish.com then go to
regular english lessons from that u can choose what u want to start with...also check eveything in the website , u'll feel u getting better believe me im not making a devertisment for that website cuz it helped me in many ways i'll tell in what way helped me first sounding like them and speaking fluntely without thinking to long for words. so try it and if u want me to explian to u how to become a member so that u can send your voice record to them then they will tell u ur feedback and if they think u need more help they will give some asignment .
i don't want to be sound boring so anything u need don't hestiate to send it
something new so here is the website so it will help u more in speaking and reading go to www. talkenglish.com then go to
regular english lessons from that u can choose what u want to start with...also check eveything in the website , u'll feel u getting better believe me im not making a devertisment for that website cuz it helped me in many ways i'll tell in what way helped me first sounding like them and speaking fluntely without thinking to long for words. so try it and if u want me to explian to u how to become a member so that u can send your voice record to them then they will tell u ur feedback and if they think u need more help they will give some asignment .
i don't want to be sound boring so anything u need don't hestiate to send it
مشكورة أختي وجزاكي الله كل خير
وجعله في موازيين حسناتك
(إذا ممكن أسماء قصص أو روايات أو أفلام بس تكون محترمة )
اللهم أغفرلها ذنوبها ووفقها في حياتها وجعلها في منزلة مع الصدقين والشهداء اللهم أمين
أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه
وجعله في موازيين حسناتك
(إذا ممكن أسماء قصص أو روايات أو أفلام بس تكون محترمة )
اللهم أغفرلها ذنوبها ووفقها في حياتها وجعلها في منزلة مع الصدقين والشهداء اللهم أمين
أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه
جزاكي الله كل خير fofoo
طريقة حلوة وراح أبدأ إنشاء الله من اليوم بس ممكن معنى هذة الكلمة
a devertisment
وهل صح معنى cuz عذر
اللهم وفقها وأرزقها الجنة يارب العالمين
سبحان الله وبحمده .... سبحان الله العظيم
جزاكي الله كل خير fofoo
طريقة حلوة وراح أبدأ إنشاء الله من اليوم بس ممكن معنى هذة الكلمة
a devertisment
وهل صح معنى cuz عذر
اللهم وفقها وأرزقها الجنة يارب العالمين
سبحان الله وبحمده .... سبحان الله العظيم
(Hey Nana here some books for u( Here and Now
. gifted Hands the Ben Carson story ) its really good if u think u can't read it get it but for kids i mean not novel ok ............ one more get this book called ,, How to Talk to anyone anytime anywhere (the secrets of good communication) by larry king u gonna learn some stuff i know it was for him how he was unable to speak on the radio though its going to help u there is some tips its really good for modivation for real don't forget to use the website that i sent above its going to help u too
. gifted Hands the Ben Carson story ) its really good if u think u can't read it get it but for kids i mean not novel ok ............ one more get this book called ,, How to Talk to anyone anytime anywhere (the secrets of good communication) by larry king u gonna learn some stuff i know it was for him how he was unable to speak on the radio though its going to help u there is some tips its really good for modivation for real don't forget to use the website that i sent above its going to help u too
الصفحة الأخيرة
حتى لو ماتفهمييين اقريها بصووت موب قراءه صامته
وتفجري افلام بدون ترجمه
وتكلمي كثير حتى لو غلط اهم شي تتعودين