السلام عليكم احبااائي
يارب تكونوا بخير
وصحه ..
ابغى منكم خدمه ياليت تسااعووني
في وضع هذه الكلماات في جمل
الله يحقق امانيكم في رضااه ... ويسخر لكم كماسخر الريح لسليماان
al ways
јόόя๏̯͡๏Ў @jooia
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
My friend is a very shy girl
Farmers help in collecting the yearly harvest
The tycoon owned a very famous company
The ability to succeed is a power
The running horses looked amazing
Her blue t-shirt was so stylish
Yesterday, she went to the dentist to take off her tooth
She won't be able to come to the party
Long ago, there was no technology
The airplane arrives late at the evening
She was also rich like him
She always liked to wear dresses in parties
Any of these books belong to you?
After one hour, the exam will finish
I have stayed in Riyadh about 5 years
Almost all of the class brought the fullmark
The cake she baked was delicious
Every human has two knees
Supplies of food where needed during the famine
She speaks English fluently
اخر كلمة واضح ان الاسبلنج غلط
على فكرة بنتى وهى فى سات 2 هى الى عملت لك الجمل
دعواتك ياجميل
Farmers help in collecting the yearly harvest
The tycoon owned a very famous company
The ability to succeed is a power
The running horses looked amazing
Her blue t-shirt was so stylish
Yesterday, she went to the dentist to take off her tooth
She won't be able to come to the party
Long ago, there was no technology
The airplane arrives late at the evening
She was also rich like him
She always liked to wear dresses in parties
Any of these books belong to you?
After one hour, the exam will finish
I have stayed in Riyadh about 5 years
Almost all of the class brought the fullmark
The cake she baked was delicious
Every human has two knees
Supplies of food where needed during the famine
She speaks English fluently
اخر كلمة واضح ان الاسبلنج غلط
على فكرة بنتى وهى فى سات 2 هى الى عملت لك الجمل
دعواتك ياجميل
اتمنى اكون افدتك بجمل بسيطه ..
shy - خجول - she is a shy girl
farmer - - مزارع - his father is a farmer
company - شركة - which company do you trust ?
Power - الطاقة - you are full of power
horse - حصان - I lover horses
blue - ازرق - blue is my favorite color
tooth - - سن - you should take care of your tooth
ago - - مضت - two years ago I met her
arrive - يصل - my father just arrived
also - أيضا - I alsoenjoy reading
al ways - دائما - you should always pay attention to traffic lights
any - - أي - did you pay any money for that
after - بعد - we will go after prayer
about - حول / بخصوص - did you inquire about that
Almost – تقريبا - I am almost finished
delicious - - لذيذ - this is a very delicious ice cream
knee - ركبه - my knee hurt
fluent - - فصيح - she speaks English fluently
supplies - - معدات / أدوات _ you should always have your supplies with you
inventory - المخزون / الجرد _ you should keep an eye on the inventory
shy - خجول - she is a shy girl
farmer - - مزارع - his father is a farmer
company - شركة - which company do you trust ?
Power - الطاقة - you are full of power
horse - حصان - I lover horses
blue - ازرق - blue is my favorite color
tooth - - سن - you should take care of your tooth
ago - - مضت - two years ago I met her
arrive - يصل - my father just arrived
also - أيضا - I alsoenjoy reading
al ways - دائما - you should always pay attention to traffic lights
any - - أي - did you pay any money for that
after - بعد - we will go after prayer
about - حول / بخصوص - did you inquire about that
Almost – تقريبا - I am almost finished
delicious - - لذيذ - this is a very delicious ice cream
knee - ركبه - my knee hurt
fluent - - فصيح - she speaks English fluently
supplies - - معدات / أدوات _ you should always have your supplies with you
inventory - المخزون / الجرد _ you should keep an eye on the inventory
الصفحة الأخيرة
إن شاء الله بحاول اساعدك
بس ياليت تكتبين عند كل كلمة وش نوعها (( فعل, اسم , صفة ... الخ ))
وبعد تأكدي لي من السبيلينق للكلمتين