الله يخليكم ترجموا لي هذا
The person I admire most is my English teacher, Mrs. Nada.
She thought me in my final years and before her, I had no interest in English. However, when I finished school, it became one of my favorite subjects.
Mrs. Nada. Was outgoing and funny. She was enthusiastic for the subject, too.
As for myself, Mrs. Nada. Had a big effect on me. She was the main reason I chose to continue my studies in English. She made me believe in myself.
I'll never forget Mrs. Nada. I hope that the student she teaches now appreciate her as much as I did.
سقيا غيث @skya_ghyth
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
غلطت في كلمه وهي المفروض تكتب tought