
emmy93 @emmy93

عضوة جديدة

الله يسقيها من حوض الجنة الي تساعدني

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتو
بنات انا تعرفت قبل فترة على وحدة اجنبية حسيتها مهتمة تعرف عننا الكثير
طبعا هيا كانت تسئلني كثير عن ديننا وعاداتنا وللأسف عرفت منها انو عندهم افكار خاطئة كثيرة عنا
وبعدها صرنا نتراسل
وانا للاسف عندي ضعف كبير بالكتابة والقرامر فبعض اسئلتها ماقدرت اجاوب عليها لاني ابغا اجاباتي لها تكون مقنعة وواضحة

قياليت تساعدوني وتجاوبو على هذي الاسئلة بشرحها بطريقة مقننعه وتغير نظرتهم عنا

how guys can have more tahn one wive?? Do they love eyery of his wives??
they fall in love with every of ? Maby nowadays mans dont have many wifes? ( and how many they normlaly have?)

الله يباركلها ويجعلها في موازين حسناتها الي تساعدني
ومين يدري يمكن ربنا يهديها عن طريقها

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

montreal girl
montreal girl
هلا اختي ...
ان شاء الله رح اجاوبك على الاسئلة الي دايما تتكرر من قبل الاجانب ...ف أنا ايضا دائما ما يوجه لي هذا السؤال ..
و دايما يحاولوا يبدوا استغرابهم الشديد انه كيف الرجل يتزوج بأكثر من واحدة؟؟
لكن هناك اجوبة مقنعة جدا فسرها ديننا الغالي حتى ان الغرب اخذوا هذا الحل في بعض الدول لمشكلة ازدياد عدد النساء بفارق كبير عن نسبة عدد الرجال !
خصوصا بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية

islam allowed muslim men to marry more than one..but not more than four wives for many important reasons
and in a very spesific conditions
the first reason ..it was allowed because of the increasing number of women after wars..
men used to go and participate in wars and as a result a huge number of men were killed ...so that their wives will live alone with no
one taking care of them ...
besides the unmarried girls who will not be able to get married because of the small number of men who remained alive after these wars
and the total number of women is so much more than the number of men..and this is going to cause a serious problem in the society ,becuase a woman can not live without a man who protects her and fulfill her sentimental needs...otherwise the societ may face
many moralistic problems!

so that it is very important in this case for men to marry more than one so that he can take care of her and her children if she had ,so that he can provide her with money ,secuirity,a place to live in and protect the society from corruption which may occure if these women will not be settled down and live in a family environment

and by the way there are many international conferences that were made in many countries discussing this problem and how the number of women increased especially after the second world war how can they solve it ! muslims participated and gave this solution and after studying all the suggested ideas they agreed on this islamic solution because its the only one that works !

another reason that is important as well is that if the wife got ill or a severe disease and cannot practise her role as a wife nor take care of her husband and her children so in this case he can marry another one who will be able 2 take care of the husband ,the
children,the house and the first sick wife as well...

and normaly a man marries one wife only
but if he intends to marry more he has to be fair to all of them in everything even if he loved one more deep inside but he should treat them the same way
and our prophet Muhammad PBUH married about 13 for very spesific reasons that can not be generalized on any one else in this world.

اتمنى لك التوفيق و اتمنى لها الهداية على ايدك ان شاء الله :)
ان شاء الله لي عودة اذا تذكرت اسباب اخرى ...و اذا لقيت اخطاء لاني نعسااانه كتيييير و كتبتهم بسرعة حتى لا أحرم الاجر ان شاء الله