
hlaaha @hlaaha

عضوة نشيطة

الله يوفقها ويرزقهاا ويفررج همها الي ترد

اللغة الأنجليزية

صباااح الخيررر
الدكتوره طلبت منا تعبير اهم يووم في حياااتي بالغه الانجليزي يعني حدث صااار لي ومانساااه
ابي اي شي منكم ابي فوق 5 سطر

الله يوفقكم ردوو

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

رأي حر
رأي حر
طيب ايش الحدث اللي حابة تكتبين عنه وان شاء الله نساعدك
اختاري موضوع عنك وباذن الله نساعدك ........... موفقة
وفاء سدير
وفاء سدير

The first time in a school
There are many unforgettable events in the life. All people have experiences in life either bad or happy. I have many events in my childhood. One event I could not forget it.

When I was seven years old, I went to school for the first time. One month before school began, I was very interesting, and so my parents became busy in me. One week before school began; I went with my parents to bookstore. I bought a new bag, some pencils, erasers and some stickers. At that moment, I felt happy. In a first day in school, I woke up before my mother. That morning was the best morning in my life. My mother helped me get dressed in my new clothes and she dressed my shoes because I dressed it opposite the left is right and the right is left. On that happy day I started my life as a student.

Finally, that event was the best event in my life. Events are life salt especially, happy events. Thanks god and thanks my parents.
هذا اول مره تدخلين المدرسه حدث ماينسى ****لله يعجبك وخلي احد يصححه لك اخاف فيه اخطاء وادعيلي بالتوفيق ويحققلي مااتمنى
اذامدرسه او احد فاهم فاللغه صححه لك نزليه هنا ثاني احتاجه انا كمان اوكي