الله يجزاك الفردوس الاعلى من الجنة مع الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين
@راجية رضا الله@
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين. و الصلاة و السلام على خاتم الأنبياء و المرسلين.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

كيف حالكم؟...أتمنى أن الجميع بخير.

أختي سميّة... و الله يجزاك فردوسه الأعلى و كل خير في الدارين على متابعتك و اهتمامك.

أختي دانة عمان... الله يبارك فيك أختي على مشاركاتك معي.

نتابع التصحيح:

We make discussion about drugs.

1_ لم أجد أن كلمة (make) تستخدم مع (discussion) !
بل وجدتهم يستخدمون (has, have, had)

2_ ضعي (a) قبل الكلمة.

تصحيح الجملة نقول:
We have a discussion about drugs.

هذا مثال آخر:
After much discussion we all agreed to share the cost.

I discuss with my teacher.

و يمكن أن تضيفي:
I discuss the problem with my teacher.

مثال آخر:
I must discuss the matter with my parents before I make a decision

Enquiry: Noun
تحقيق، استفسار، سؤال.

The enquiry of the case is over.
لا أعلم.

لكن هذا مثال من القاموس:
After the accident there were many calls for an enquiry into safety procedures.

Enquire: Verb
يستعلم، يسأل، يستقصي.

The lawyer enquires in the case.
لا أعلم.

لكن هذه مثال آخر:
We need to enquire about hotels in Vienna?

The end of examination.
لا أعلم.

لكن، إذا أردت القول أن هذا هو الاختبار الأخير، فقولي:
This is (my/the) end examination.

إذا أردت الاستفسار عن وقت انتهاء الاختبار فقولي:
Excuse me, What time does the examination finish?

أردت أن أخبركم أني سأختصر في المشاركات القادمة و أكتفي بذكر معنى الكلمة و مثال عليها و ألغي المعنى الإنجليزي..! و ذلك حتى أختم الموضوع إن شاء الله قبل أن أنقطع عن المنتدى لمدة.......(الله أعلم). و السموووحة.

بسم الله و به أستعين.

Television: Noun

Example: Turn the television on/off.

Expansion: Noun

Example: The rapid expansion of the university has caused a lot of problems.

Expand: Verb

Example: Metals expand when they are heated.

Explanation: Noun

Example: That idea needs some explanation.

Explain: Verb
Example: I do not understand this, can you explain?

Flight: Noun
Example: It is unusual to see swans in flight.

Fly: Verb
Example: This bird has a broken wing and cannot fly.

Food: Noun
Example: There is a shortage of food in some areas.

Feed: Verb
Example: Do not forget to feed the cat.

Formation: Noun
تشكيل/ تشكل
Example: The formation of a new government is done.

Form: Verb
Example: They formed a government.

Improvement: Noun
تطوّر/تحسّن/ تحسين
Example: These marks are an improvement on your previous ones.

Improve: Verb
يتحسّن/ يحسّن
Example: Your vocabulary is excellent but you could improve your pronunciation.

Installation: Noun
تركيب (جهاز)

Install: Verb
Example: We are waiting to have our new washing_machine installed.

Insurance: Noun

Example: Builders should always have insurance against personal injury.

Insure: Verb
Example: Are you insured against accident and medical expenses on your trip?
المشاركة القادمة بتكون مع أختنا دانة عمان جزاك الله خير من عند كلمة (meaning) و بالتوفيق.
هذا و الله أعلم بالصواب.
اللهم صلّ و سلّم على رسولك محمد.
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته.
الله يحفضك يالغالية ويجمعنا بك في الفردوس الاعلى من الجنة
دانة عمان
دانة عمان
أولا أعتذر عن الانقطاع بسبب بعض الظروف الطارئة :
و أعذريني سويت ثلاث كلمات لأني الوقت ما يسعفني . عندي مشاغل كثيرة:
verb: mean يعني
e.g: What do you mean?
noun: meaning المعنى
e.g: I do not know the meaning of this word

verb:permit يسمح
e.g: Can you permit me to talk?
noun: permission ترخيص
e.g: I need to take permission from my dad

verb: pronounceينطق
e.g: Can you pronounce this word
noun : pronunciationنطق
e.g:We need to know the correct pronunciation of these words.

أتمنى أن تكون الأمثلة صحيحة
@راجية رضا الله@
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين حمدً كثيراً. نحمده و نستغفره. و الصلاة و السلام على خاتم أنبياءه و رسله محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته.

كيف حالكم ... دانة عمان و سميّة والجميع.


What do you mean?صحيحة.

أمثلة أخرى:

I do not understand what you mean.

What does this word mean?


I do not know the meaning of this word

مثال آخر:
What is the meaning of this word?

Can you permit me to talk
لا حاجة لاستخدام (permit). لأن (can) تؤدي المعنى.
Can I talk to you for a minute?

With your permission, I would like to say a few words.

أمثلة لاستخدام (permit):
Food and drink are not permitted in this building.

You are not permitted to smoke in the hospital.


I need to take permission from my dad.
1_ الجملة خاطئة نحوياً.
I need (sb) permission to (verb).

For example: I need my dad,s permission to attend.

2_ لم أجد أن كلمة (take) تستخدم مع (permission). الكلمات التي وجدتها مستخدمة مع (permission) هي:

You must ask permission for all major expenditure.

The school has been refused permission to expand

No official permission has been given for the event to take place.

With your permission, I would like to say a few words.

She took the car without permission.

The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to reproduce illustrations.

Can you pronounce this word?صحيحة.
مثال آخر:
Would you pronounce this word?

We need to know the correct pronunciation of these words.

We need to know the right pronunciation of these words.
أو لا داعي لكلمة(correct) لأن المعنى واضح بدونها:
We need to know the pronunciation of these words.

و الله تعالى أعلم بالصواب.

حياكم الله.

Publication: noun
نشر (إصدار) كتاب.

Example: His latest book has just been accepted for publication.

Publish: Verb

Example: This dictionary was published by Oxford University Press.

Reduction: noun

Example: There has been some reduction in unemployment.

Reduce: Verb

Example: Doctors have advised us to reduce the amount of fat in our diets.

Refusal: noun

Example: Refusal to pay the new tax may result in imprisonment.

Refuse: Verb

Example: He refused to listen to what I was saying.

Registration: Noun

Example: Registration for evening classes will take place on 8 September.

Register: Verb

Example: I would like to register for the course in June.

Retirement: noun

Example: She has decided to take early retirement.

Retire: Verb

Example: John retired from professional tennis when he was still a young man.

Vaccination: Noun

Example: Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.

Vaccinate: Verb

Example: Were you vaccinated against measles as a child?

Warning: Noun

Example: There was a warning on the gate: Beware of the dog.

Warn: Verb

Example: I warned you not to trust him.

Weight: Noun

Example: I need to lose weight before my holidays.

Weigh: Noun

Example: I weigh my self every week.

تم _بحمد الله_ الجدول الأول.

ننتقل الآن إلى الجدول الثاني.

Table2: Noun+Adjective

Accident: Noun
Example: I hope they have not had an accident.

Accidental: Adjective

Example: I did not think our meeting was accidental _ he must have known I would be there.

Activity: Noun

Example: I like outdoors activities such as walking and gardening.

Active: Adjective

Example: My grandfather is very active for his age.

Adventure: Noun

Example: He left home to travel, hoping for excitement and adventure.

Adventurous: Adjective

Example: For a more adventurous holiday try mountain climbing.

Aggression: noun

Example: This is an intolerable act of aggression against my country.

Aggressive: adjective

Example: Some people get aggressive after drinking alcohol.

Anger: Noun

Example: He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated.

Angry: adjective

Example: I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.

Brightness: noun

Example: This photo need some brightness.*

Bright: Verb

Example: I like bright colors.

Cloud: noun

Example: The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

Cloudy: adjective

Example: It is a cloudy sky.*

Confidence: noun

Example: They do not have much confidence in him.

Confident: adjective

Example: Kate feels confident of passing/ that she can pass the exam.

Conservation: noun

Example: Conservative groups are protesting against the plan to build a road through the forest.

Conservative: adjective

Example: They have very conservative tastes. This design is too modern for them.

Convenience: noun

Example: This is a building designed for the convenience of disabled people.

Convenient: adjective

Example: It is not convenient to talk at the moment, I am in the middle of a meeting.

Cruelty: noun

Example: The deliberate cruelty of his words cut her like a knife.

Cruel: adjective
قاسي/ وحشي

Example: I cannot stand people who are cruel to animals.

Danger: noun

Example: Danger! Keep out!

Dangerous: adjective

Example: It would be dangerous for you to stay here.

Darkness: noun

Example: The house was plunged into total darkness when the electricity was cut off.

Dark: adjective

Example: It was dark outside and I could not see much.

Disaster: noun

Example: Thousands died in the disaster.

Disastrous: adjective
مشؤوم، فاجع، وخيم.

Example: Our mistake had disastrous results.

Economics: noun
علم الاقتصاد

Example: He has got a degree in economics.

Economic: adjective

Example: The country faces growing economic problems.

الأمثلة التي عندها علامة * ليست من القاموس.

.الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات

للحديث بقية_إن شاء الله_ إذا كان في العمر بقية.

أستودعكم الله.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته.