السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنات واللي يوفقكم ابي تعبير عن الانترنت كيف استخدامه وسلبياته وايجابياته بخمس سطوور بس الله يفرج كرباتكم .

… @bs_bydaaa
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.


^^ اللهم مثل مافرجتي كربتي تفرج لتس كربات الدنيا جميعها اللهم ادخلتس الجنة من غير حساب ولا عقااب يارب ماادري وش اقولتس تعبتس معاي ربي يخليتس لعين ترجيتس يااارب .

Technology appeared in many important discoveries of the human person and shorten the time it facilitates the things his life and perhaps the most important site, which is a unique discovery helped to eliminate the leisure and assist students in solving their duties in a scientific way.The discovery of the spider web is the basis of communication between the people of all nations and the question about their situation.The Internet has many benefits and is used in many companies and schools and scientific centers.The Internet is the equivalent of a huge leap in the importance of the invention of printing or phone in their ability to link individuals and groups to each other at the level of the whole world and the world is truly a small village
اذا طووويل احذفي منةة =")
Technology appeared in many important discoveries of the human person and shorten the time it facilitates the things his life and perhaps the most important site, which is a unique discovery helped to eliminate the leisure and assist students in solving their duties in a scientific way.The discovery of the spider web is the basis of communication between the people of all nations and the question about their situation.The Internet has many benefits and is used in many companies and schools and scientific centers.The Internet is the equivalent of a huge leap in the importance of the invention of printing or phone in their ability to link individuals and groups to each other at the level of the whole world and the world is truly a small village
اذا طووويل احذفي منةة =")

الصفحة الأخيرة