السلام عليكم
حبيباتي هدا تلخيص من مقال طلبت مننا الدكتوره ننقده القرمر والسبيلنق والاشياء دي
انا والله مو عارفه انقد ولسه مااخدت النقد الله يسامحها الدكتوره ندرس شورت ستوري تقولنا انقدواا
المهم اللي تعرف وتنقدلي هو الله يحررم وجهاا عن النار ويستر عليها ويرزقها من حيث لاتحتسب...
Elemnts of short story,first it is a character is aperson or some things even a nimal, who takes part in the action of a short story.second elements,is a setting the setting of short story is the time and place in which it happens. the third elemnts in short story is the conflict, the conflict is a struggle between two pepole or things in a short story. forth element is a plot,aplot is aseries of events and a character actions that related to the central conflict. the fivefth element is the theme is the main idea.

لحلمي حكايه @lhlmy_hkayh
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

Elemnts of short story: the first element is a character ( a person or some thing even an animal) who takes part in the action of the short story. the second element is the setting: the setting of the short story is the time and place in which it happens. the third elemnt in the short story is the conflict, the conflict: is a struggle between two pepole or things in the short story. the forth element is the plot,the plot :is a series of events and the character actions that related to the central conflict. the fivefth element is the theme: it is the main idea
.على الرغم للحين ما اخذت المقال
لكن هذي محاولتي الاولى ولي عوووده
حليتها على عجل
.على الرغم للحين ما اخذت المقال
لكن هذي محاولتي الاولى ولي عوووده
حليتها على عجل

غيم الفرح :
Elemnts of short story: the first element is a character ( a person or some thing even an animal) who takes part in the action of the short story. the second element is the setting: the setting of the short story is the time and place in which it happens. the third elemnt in the short story is the conflict, the conflict: is a struggle between two pepole or things in the short story. the forth element is the plot,the plot :is a series of events and the character actions that related to the central conflict. the fivefth element is the theme: it is the main idea .على الرغم للحين ما اخذت المقال لكن هذي محاولتي الاولى ولي عوووده حليتها على عجلElemnts of short story: the first element is a character ( a person or some thing even an animal)...
مشكـــــوره وماقصرتي والله يحقق لك ماتتمني
أنا نص ساعه رايحه الجامعه
الله يحرم وجهك عن النار يااارب
أنا نص ساعه رايحه الجامعه
الله يحرم وجهك عن النار يااارب

الصفحة الأخيرة
الله يسامحكم ومشكووورين:44: