مرحبا بنات
حبيت احد يساعدني في ترجمة هالاسئله فهمتها بس بعد احس اني مافهمت اوكي عشان اجاوب والله يخليكم ابيها اليوم :(
-consider the word ambiguity. Define it ans discuss how it applies to Orwell's feelings as a sub-altern representing the british empire in burma.Make lists of how he is "of two minds" about his life and work in Burma.
Show how Orwell is also of two minds about what to do with the elephant.
Orwell takes several paragraphes to detail his action when he shoots the elephant. (see pp.5&6) why so much ? Besides realism, what is also gained by all that detail? How can the elephant be treated as a metaphor?
Does Orwell embrace racism? Give proof of your answer. Submit a typed 300 word analysis of your thinking about this. Be sure to cite the Orwell essay whenever you quote or paraphrase from it for your proof. Give a work cited at the end.
وجزا الله خير اللي بتساعدني والله يوفقها :27:

SabRina_WiTcH @sabrina_witch
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

مشكوووووووره يالغاليه وجزاج الله كل خير ووفقج ونور لج دربج يااارب
الصفحة الأخيرة